Case Report

DOI :10.26650/JARHS2020-656780   IUP :10.26650/JARHS2020-656780    Full Text (PDF)

Giant sialolith in submandibular gland with radiological findings: A case report

Sedef Ayşe TaşyapanAhmet Faruk Ertürkİlknur Özcan

A sialolith is defined as one or more calcific foci in oval or round form within a parenchyma or duct of a salivary gland. It is most commonly seen in the submandibular salivary gland and in the 30-60 age range. A 46-year-old male patient was admitted to the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry for dental treatment. A panoramic radiography incidentally showed a radiopaque formation in the right mandible angulus. No symptoms were detected in the clinically relevant region. A cone beam computed tomography showed a mixed, hyperdense focus in the lingual area in the right angulus region and a sialolith was detected. On ultrasonography, a sialolith was found in submandibular salivary gland duct. Due to the absence of any symptoms, regular followup was provided. The determination of localization and size of the sialolith with clinical and radiographic findings are important in treatment planning. In this case report, we aimed to present the radiological findings of an asymptomatic case of a large sialolith.

DOI :10.26650/JARHS2020-656780   IUP :10.26650/JARHS2020-656780    Full Text (PDF)

Radyolojik bulgularla submandibular bezde dev siyalolit: Olgu sunumu

Sedef Ayşe TaşyapanAhmet Faruk Ertürkİlknur Özcan

Siyalolit, bir tükürük bezi parankimi veya kanalı içerisinde, bir veya daha fazla sayıda, oval ya da yuvarlak formdaki kalsifik odak olarak tanımlanmaktadır. En sık submandibular tükürük bezinde ve 30-60 yaş aralığında görülmektedir. 46 yaşında erkek hasta dental tedavileri için İstanbul Üniversitesi Diş Hekimiği Fakültesi Ağız, Diş ve Çene Radyolojisi Kliniği’ne başvurmuştur. Panoramik radyografisinde rastlantısal olarak sağ mandibula angulus bölgesinde radyoopak bir oluşum görülmüştür. Klinik olarak ilgili bölgede herhangi bir semptom saptanamamıştır. Konik ışınlı bilgisayarlı tomografi incelemesinde sağ angulus bölgesinde, lingual alanda, iç yapısı mikst, hiperdens odak izlenmiş olup siyalolit olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ultrasonografide ise submandibular tükürük bezi kanalı içerisinde olduğu belirlenmiştir. Herhangi bir semptom bulunmaması nedeniyle hastanın düazenli takibi sağlanmıştır. Klinik ve radyografik bulgular ile siyalolitin lokalizasyon ve ebatlarının belirlenmesi tedavi planlamasında önemlidir. Bu vaka sunumunda asemptomatik büyük boyutlu bir siyalolit olgusunun radyolojik bulgularını sunmak amaçlanmıştır. 

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Taşyapan, S.A., Ertürk, A.F., & Özcan, İ. (2020). Giant sialolith in submandibular gland with radiological findings: A case report. Journal of Advanced Research in Health Sciences, 3(1), 20-25.


Taşyapan S A, Ertürk A F, Özcan İ. Giant sialolith in submandibular gland with radiological findings: A case report. Journal of Advanced Research in Health Sciences. 2020;3(1):20-25.


Taşyapan, S.A.; Ertürk, A.F.; Özcan, İ. Giant sialolith in submandibular gland with radiological findings: A case report. Journal of Advanced Research in Health Sciences, [Publisher Location], v. 3, n. 1, p. 20-25, 2020.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Taşyapan, Sedef Ayşe, and Ahmet Faruk Ertürk and İlknur Özcan. 2020. “Giant sialolith in submandibular gland with radiological findings: A case report.” Journal of Advanced Research in Health Sciences 3, no. 1: 20-25.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Taşyapan, Sedef Ayşe, and Ahmet Faruk Ertürk and İlknur Özcan. Giant sialolith in submandibular gland with radiological findings: A case report.” Journal of Advanced Research in Health Sciences 3, no. 1 (Mar. 2025): 20-25.

Harvard: Australian Style

Taşyapan, SA & Ertürk, AF & Özcan, İ 2020, 'Giant sialolith in submandibular gland with radiological findings: A case report', Journal of Advanced Research in Health Sciences, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 20-25, viewed 29 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Taşyapan, S.A. and Ertürk, A.F. and Özcan, İ. (2020) ‘Giant sialolith in submandibular gland with radiological findings: A case report’, Journal of Advanced Research in Health Sciences, 3(1), pp. 20-25. (29 Mar. 2025).


Taşyapan, Sedef Ayşe, and Ahmet Faruk Ertürk and İlknur Özcan. Giant sialolith in submandibular gland with radiological findings: A case report.” Journal of Advanced Research in Health Sciences, vol. 3, no. 1, 2020, pp. 20-25. [Database Container],


Taşyapan SA, Ertürk AF, Özcan İ. Giant sialolith in submandibular gland with radiological findings: A case report. Journal of Advanced Research in Health Sciences [Internet]. 29 Mar. 2025 [cited 29 Mar. 2025];3(1):20-25. Available from: doi: 10.26650/JARHS2020-656780


Taşyapan, SedefAyşe - Ertürk, AhmetFaruk - Özcan, İlknur. Giant sialolith in submandibular gland with radiological findings: A case report”. Journal of Advanced Research in Health Sciences 3/1 (Mar. 2025): 20-25.


Published Online26.02.2020


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