Case Report

DOI :10.5222/j.child.2012.189   IUP :10.5222/j.child.2012.189    Full Text (PDF)

Donohue Syndrome (Leprechaunism): A Case Report

Engin TutarAyşe KarakaşPerran BoranBerkin BerkSerçin Güven

Donohue syndrome (Leprechaunism) is an extremely rare, autosomal recessively inherited genetic disease. It is caused by mutations at the insulin receptor gene, which has a profound effect during fetal development and thereafter. It is characterized by elfin face, hypertrichosis, acanthosis nigricans, reduced subcutaneous fat, and intrauterine and postnatal growth retardation. Diagnosis is established according to the physical examination and laboratory investigations. Definitive diagnosis is possible with demonstration of the mutations at the insulin receptor gene. The prognosis is usually grave, most of them die early in infancy.

In this paper, a 57 day- old male diagnosed with Donohue syndrome, who had other endocrine pathologies besides abnormal glucose metabolism, is presented due to its very rare occurrence.

DOI :10.5222/j.child.2012.189   IUP :10.5222/j.child.2012.189    Full Text (PDF)

Donohue Sendromu (Leprechaunism): Vaka Sunumu

Engin TutarAyşe KarakaşPerran BoranBerkin BerkSerçin Güven

Donohue sendromu (Leprechaunism) çok ender görülen ve otozomal resesif olarak kalıtılan genetik bir hastalıktır. Fetal yaşam ve sonrasını da etkileyen insülin reseptör genindeki mutasyona bağlı olarak görülür. Melek yüzü, hipertrikoz, akantozis nigrikans, ciltaltı yağ dokusunda azalma, intrauterin ve postnatal büyüme geriliği ile karakterizedir. Tanı klinik muayene ve destekleyici laboratuvar tetkikleri ile konulur. Kesin tanı ise insülin reseptör geninde ilişkili mutasyonların gösterilmesi ile olasıdır. Genellikle prognozu kötüdür, hastalar erken yaşta kaybedilir.

Bu makalede, çok ender gözlenmesi nedeniyle, glukoz metabolizması bozukluğu yanında diğer endokrin patolojilerin de eşlik ettiği Donohue sendromu tanısı alan 57 günlük bir erkek bebek sunulmuştur.

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Tutar, E., Karakaş, A., Boran, P., Berk, B., & Güven, S. (2012). Donohue Syndrome (Leprechaunism): A Case Report. Journal of Child, 12(4), 189-192.


Tutar E, Karakaş A, Boran P, Berk B, Güven S. Donohue Syndrome (Leprechaunism): A Case Report. Journal of Child. 2012;12(4):189-192.


Tutar, E.; Karakaş, A.; Boran, P.; Berk, B.; Güven, S. Donohue Syndrome (Leprechaunism): A Case Report. Journal of Child, [Publisher Location], v. 12, n. 4, p. 189-192, 2012.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Tutar, Engin, and Ayşe Karakaş and Perran Boran and Berkin Berk and Serçin Güven. 2012. “Donohue Syndrome (Leprechaunism): A Case Report.” Journal of Child 12, no. 4: 189-192.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Tutar, Engin, and Ayşe Karakaş and Perran Boran and Berkin Berk and Serçin Güven. Donohue Syndrome (Leprechaunism): A Case Report.” Journal of Child 12, no. 4 (Oct. 2024): 189-192.

Harvard: Australian Style

Tutar, E & Karakaş, A & Boran, P & Berk, B & Güven, S 2012, 'Donohue Syndrome (Leprechaunism): A Case Report', Journal of Child, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 189-192, viewed 18 Oct. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Tutar, E. and Karakaş, A. and Boran, P. and Berk, B. and Güven, S. (2012) ‘Donohue Syndrome (Leprechaunism): A Case Report’, Journal of Child, 12(4), pp. 189-192. (18 Oct. 2024).


Tutar, Engin, and Ayşe Karakaş and Perran Boran and Berkin Berk and Serçin Güven. Donohue Syndrome (Leprechaunism): A Case Report.” Journal of Child, vol. 12, no. 4, 2012, pp. 189-192. [Database Container],


Tutar E, Karakaş A, Boran P, Berk B, Güven S. Donohue Syndrome (Leprechaunism): A Case Report. Journal of Child [Internet]. 18 Oct. 2024 [cited 18 Oct. 2024];12(4):189-192. Available from: doi: 10.5222/j.child.2012.189


Tutar, Engin - Karakaş, Ayşe - Boran, Perran - Berk, Berkin - Güven, Serçin. Donohue Syndrome (Leprechaunism): A Case Report”. Journal of Child 12/4 (Oct. 2024): 189-192.


First Revision30.05.2012
Last Revision10.09.2012
Published Online10.09.2012


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