
DOI :10.26650/jchild.2021.998879   IUP :10.26650/jchild.2021.998879    Full Text (PDF)

Early Childhood Development – The Role of The Paediatrician

Elif Nursel Özmert

Early childhood development is the physical, cognitive, linguistic, and socioemotional development of young children until primary school. Although a child right, unfortunately many children cannot reach their developmental potential. A pediatrician is a physician who is concerned primarily with the health, welfare, and development of children. Pediatricians have the responsibility to promote early childhood development as well as developmental surveillance and screening for early diagnosis. The WHO/UNICEF Nurturing Care framework has specified 5 main strategies/domains: health, nutrition, responsive care giving, secure-safe environment and early education opportunities for early childhood development. The pediatrician plays the role of service provider, advocate, researcher or educator in all these domains. All these domains can only be successfully fulfilled through multidisciplinary collaboration, a way of working that pediatricians are accustomed to using.

DOI :10.26650/jchild.2021.998879   IUP :10.26650/jchild.2021.998879    Full Text (PDF)

Erken Çocukluk Gelişimi - Çocuk Hekiminin Rolü

Elif Nursel Özmert

Erken çocukluk gelişimi çocukların ilkokul dönemine kadar olan fiziksel, bilişsel, dil ve sosyoduygusal gelişimini içerir. Temel bir çocuk hakkı olmasına karşın ne yazık ki pekçok çocuk doğuştan getirdiği potansiyeline erişememektedir. Çocuk hekimi, temel olarak çocuğun sağlığı, refahı ve gelişimi ile ilgilenen hekimdir. Çocuk hekiminin erken çocukluk gelişimini desteklemenin yanı sıra, gelişimsel izlem ve tarama ile erken tanı koyma sorumluluğu da vardır. DSÖ/UNICEF’in “geliştiren bakım” çerçeve programı erken çocukluk gelişimi için 5 temel alan belirlemiştir; sağlık, beslenme, duyarlı bakım, güvenli-güvenilir çevre ve erken eğitim olanaklarına erişim. Çocuk hekiminin hizmet sunucu, savunucu, araştırmacı ve eğitimci olarak tüm bu alanlarda görev ve sorumlulukları vardır. Tüm bu alanlardaki çalışmalar çocuk hekimlerinin çok yatkın olduğu mulidisipliner işbirliği ile başarılabilir

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Özmert, E.N. (2021). Early Childhood Development – The Role of The Paediatrician. Journal of Child, 21(3), 288-292.


Özmert E N. Early Childhood Development – The Role of The Paediatrician. Journal of Child. 2021;21(3):288-292.


Özmert, E.N. Early Childhood Development – The Role of The Paediatrician. Journal of Child, [Publisher Location], v. 21, n. 3, p. 288-292, 2021.

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Özmert, Elif Nursel,. 2021. “Early Childhood Development – The Role of The Paediatrician.” Journal of Child 21, no. 3: 288-292.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Özmert, Elif Nursel,. Early Childhood Development – The Role of The Paediatrician.” Journal of Child 21, no. 3 (Sep. 2024): 288-292.

Harvard: Australian Style

Özmert, EN 2021, 'Early Childhood Development – The Role of The Paediatrician', Journal of Child, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 288-292, viewed 19 Sep. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Özmert, E.N. (2021) ‘Early Childhood Development – The Role of The Paediatrician’, Journal of Child, 21(3), pp. 288-292. (19 Sep. 2024).


Özmert, Elif Nursel,. Early Childhood Development – The Role of The Paediatrician.” Journal of Child, vol. 21, no. 3, 2021, pp. 288-292. [Database Container],


Özmert EN. Early Childhood Development – The Role of The Paediatrician. Journal of Child [Internet]. 19 Sep. 2024 [cited 19 Sep. 2024];21(3):288-292. Available from: doi: 10.26650/jchild.2021.998879


Özmert, ElifNursel. Early Childhood Development – The Role of The Paediatrician”. Journal of Child 21/3 (Sep. 2024): 288-292.


Published Online31.12.2021


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