
DOI :10.5222/j.child.2018.05657   IUP :10.5222/j.child.2018.05657    Full Text (PDF)

Approach to the Child with Recurrent Infections

Murat SütçüManolya KaraAyper Somer

Family practitioners and pediatricians often come across with children who are presented with the recurrent complaints of becoming sick. Although families worry about the underlying serious disorders, aproximately half of these children are completely healthy where as one third of them are atopic. Recurrent infections are the main features of the childhood presentation of primary immunodeficiency diseases. The primary duty of the physicians is to differentiate the children requiring prompt diagnosis and treatment from those healthy and the atopic ones.

DOI :10.5222/j.child.2018.05657   IUP :10.5222/j.child.2018.05657    Full Text (PDF)

Sık Hastalanan Çocuğa Yaklaşım

Murat SütçüManolya KaraAyper Somer

Aile hekimleri ve pediyatristler sık hastalanma yakınması ile başvuran çocuklarla sık olarak karşı karşıya kalmaktadırlar. Başka bir açıdan bakmak gerekirse aileler altta yatan ciddi hastalıklar hakkında endişe duymaktadırlar. Bu çocukların yaklaşık yarısı tamamıyla sağlıklı iken, 1/3’ü atopiktir. Primer immün yetmezliğin çocukluk çağı ana bulgusu yineleyen infeksiyonlardır. Hekimlerin ana görevi hızlı tanı ve tedavisi gereken primer immün yetmezlikli çocukları sağlıklı ve atopik çocuklardan ayırmaktır.

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Sütçü, M., Kara, M., & Somer, A. (2018). Approach to the Child with Recurrent Infections. Journal of Child, 18(2), 47-51.


Sütçü M, Kara M, Somer A. Approach to the Child with Recurrent Infections. Journal of Child. 2018;18(2):47-51.


Sütçü, M.; Kara, M.; Somer, A. Approach to the Child with Recurrent Infections. Journal of Child, [Publisher Location], v. 18, n. 2, p. 47-51, 2018.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Sütçü, Murat, and Manolya Kara and Ayper Somer. 2018. “Approach to the Child with Recurrent Infections.” Journal of Child 18, no. 2: 47-51.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Sütçü, Murat, and Manolya Kara and Ayper Somer. Approach to the Child with Recurrent Infections.” Journal of Child 18, no. 2 (Sep. 2024): 47-51.

Harvard: Australian Style

Sütçü, M & Kara, M & Somer, A 2018, 'Approach to the Child with Recurrent Infections', Journal of Child, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 47-51, viewed 28 Sep. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Sütçü, M. and Kara, M. and Somer, A. (2018) ‘Approach to the Child with Recurrent Infections’, Journal of Child, 18(2), pp. 47-51. (28 Sep. 2024).


Sütçü, Murat, and Manolya Kara and Ayper Somer. Approach to the Child with Recurrent Infections.” Journal of Child, vol. 18, no. 2, 2018, pp. 47-51. [Database Container],


Sütçü M, Kara M, Somer A. Approach to the Child with Recurrent Infections. Journal of Child [Internet]. 28 Sep. 2024 [cited 28 Sep. 2024];18(2):47-51. Available from: doi: 10.5222/j.child.2018.05657


Sütçü, Murat - Kara, Manolya - Somer, Ayper. Approach to the Child with Recurrent Infections”. Journal of Child 18/2 (Sep. 2024): 47-51.


Published Online31.08.2018


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