
DOI :10.26650/jchild.2021.995008   IUP :10.26650/jchild.2021.995008    Full Text (PDF)

Social Pediatrics Training in Turkey

Emine Gülbin GökçayBahar KuralGonca KeskindemirciOlcay Neyzi

Training in Social Pediatrics at Medical Schools has deep roots in Turkey. Nowadays, there are Social Pediatrics divisions under the departments of child health and disease in many medical schools. Academicians in Social Pediatrics Divisions give lectures starting from the first year of medical education. Social Pediatrics is not a subspeciality yet in Turkey. There are universities with institutes providing postgraduate training in Social Pediatrics. This article aims to present the history and developments of training in Social Pediatrics in Turkey.

DOI :10.26650/jchild.2021.995008   IUP :10.26650/jchild.2021.995008    Full Text (PDF)

Türkiye’de Sosyal Pediatri Eğitimi

Emine Gülbin GökçayBahar KuralGonca KeskindemirciOlcay Neyzi

Ülkemizde Sosyal Pediatri alanındaki tıp eğitimi köklü bir geçmişe sahiptir. Günümüzde birçok tıp fakültesinde Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Anabilim Dallarına bağlı olarak Sosyal Pediatri Bilim Dalları açılmakta ve çocuk sağlığı alanındaki lisans ve lisansüstü eğitimler bu bilim dallarındaki akademisyenler tarafından verilmektedir. Sosyal pediatri henüz yan dal olmadığı için Sosyal Pediatri alanındaki lisans üstü eğitim bazı üniversitelerdeki enstitüler tarafından gerçekleştirilmektedir. Bu makalenin amacı ülkemizde sosyal pediatri alanındaki eğitimin gelişimini ve günümüzdeki durumunu ayrıntıları ile sunmaktır.

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Gökçay, E.G., Kural, B., Keskindemirci, G., & Neyzi, O. (2021). Social Pediatrics Training in Turkey. Journal of Child, 21(3), 266-269.


Gökçay E G, Kural B, Keskindemirci G, Neyzi O. Social Pediatrics Training in Turkey. Journal of Child. 2021;21(3):266-269.


Gökçay, E.G.; Kural, B.; Keskindemirci, G.; Neyzi, O. Social Pediatrics Training in Turkey. Journal of Child, [Publisher Location], v. 21, n. 3, p. 266-269, 2021.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Gökçay, Emine Gülbin, and Bahar Kural and Gonca Keskindemirci and Olcay Neyzi. 2021. “Social Pediatrics Training in Turkey.” Journal of Child 21, no. 3: 266-269.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Gökçay, Emine Gülbin, and Bahar Kural and Gonca Keskindemirci and Olcay Neyzi. Social Pediatrics Training in Turkey.” Journal of Child 21, no. 3 (Sep. 2024): 266-269.

Harvard: Australian Style

Gökçay, EG & Kural, B & Keskindemirci, G & Neyzi, O 2021, 'Social Pediatrics Training in Turkey', Journal of Child, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 266-269, viewed 19 Sep. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Gökçay, E.G. and Kural, B. and Keskindemirci, G. and Neyzi, O. (2021) ‘Social Pediatrics Training in Turkey’, Journal of Child, 21(3), pp. 266-269. (19 Sep. 2024).


Gökçay, Emine Gülbin, and Bahar Kural and Gonca Keskindemirci and Olcay Neyzi. Social Pediatrics Training in Turkey.” Journal of Child, vol. 21, no. 3, 2021, pp. 266-269. [Database Container],


Gökçay EG, Kural B, Keskindemirci G, Neyzi O. Social Pediatrics Training in Turkey. Journal of Child [Internet]. 19 Sep. 2024 [cited 19 Sep. 2024];21(3):266-269. Available from: doi: 10.26650/jchild.2021.995008


Gökçay, EmineGülbin - Kural, Bahar - Keskindemirci, Gonca - Neyzi, Olcay. Social Pediatrics Training in Turkey”. Journal of Child 21/3 (Sep. 2024): 266-269.


Published Online31.12.2021


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