Research Article

DOI :10.26650/JEPR1548794   IUP :10.26650/JEPR1548794    Full Text (PDF)

Global Migration Dynamics: The Driving Force of Poverty and Connections and the Impact of Demographic Factors

Murat İstekli

The aim of this research was to investigate the close relationship between worldwide migration patterns and the extent of poverty. In addition to previous research that demonstrated a cause-and-effect relationship between poverty and global migratory movements, this study suggests that poverty is the primary catalyst for global migration. Moreover, it is hypothesized that the intricate web of interactions and connections significantly impacts worldwide migratory patterns. To fulfil the study’s goals, a survey was created for completion by foreign migrants living in the chosen nations. The deliberate selection of organizations, institutions, religious buildings, and areas with high concentrations of foreign migrants, together with the choice to conduct the surveys in person, proved to be a notable advantage in this study. The acquired data underwent statistical analysis, revealing the influence of poverty on worldwide migration patterns and other variables that determine migration. The findings revealed that poverty exerts a significant influence on worldwide migratory patterns. Besides poverty, other notable variables that impact worldwide migration patterns include political instability, security concerns, and a dearth of social possibilities. Moreover, factors such as employment opportunities and job-related obligations, marriage and the desire to be with family, and the pursuit of education in more advanced nations also play a significant role in driving global migration patterns.

JEL Classification : F22 , I30 , C12

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İstekli, M. (2025). Global Migration Dynamics: The Driving Force of Poverty and Connections and the Impact of Demographic Factors. Journal of Economic Policy Researches, 12(1), 68-84.


İstekli M. Global Migration Dynamics: The Driving Force of Poverty and Connections and the Impact of Demographic Factors. Journal of Economic Policy Researches. 2025;12(1):68-84.


İstekli, M. Global Migration Dynamics: The Driving Force of Poverty and Connections and the Impact of Demographic Factors. Journal of Economic Policy Researches, [Publisher Location], v. 12, n. 1, p. 68-84, 2025.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

İstekli, Murat,. 2025. “Global Migration Dynamics: The Driving Force of Poverty and Connections and the Impact of Demographic Factors.” Journal of Economic Policy Researches 12, no. 1: 68-84.

Chicago: Humanities Style

İstekli, Murat,. Global Migration Dynamics: The Driving Force of Poverty and Connections and the Impact of Demographic Factors.” Journal of Economic Policy Researches 12, no. 1 (Mar. 2025): 68-84.

Harvard: Australian Style

İstekli, M 2025, 'Global Migration Dynamics: The Driving Force of Poverty and Connections and the Impact of Demographic Factors', Journal of Economic Policy Researches, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 68-84, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

İstekli, M. (2025) ‘Global Migration Dynamics: The Driving Force of Poverty and Connections and the Impact of Demographic Factors’, Journal of Economic Policy Researches, 12(1), pp. 68-84. (10 Mar. 2025).


İstekli, Murat,. Global Migration Dynamics: The Driving Force of Poverty and Connections and the Impact of Demographic Factors.” Journal of Economic Policy Researches, vol. 12, no. 1, 2025, pp. 68-84. [Database Container],


İstekli M. Global Migration Dynamics: The Driving Force of Poverty and Connections and the Impact of Demographic Factors. Journal of Economic Policy Researches [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];12(1):68-84. Available from: doi: 10.26650/JEPR1548794


İstekli, Murat. Global Migration Dynamics: The Driving Force of Poverty and Connections and the Impact of Demographic Factors”. Journal of Economic Policy Researches 12/1 (Mar. 2025): 68-84.


Published Online07.01.2025


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