Research Article

DOI :10.26650/JGEOG2020-0059   IUP :10.26650/JGEOG2020-0059    Full Text (PDF)

Determination of Hazard Levels of Natural Areas not Opened for Intensive Use in Tourism in ANTALYA Province with Hybrid SWARA-MOORA Technique

Onur SelçukHatice KarakaşEmre İpekçi Çetin

The existing natural areas need to be protected for the relationship between tourism and the natural environment to be sustainable. The development of tourism activities in a destination with environmental problems is unlikely. This study investigates the environmental danger level in natural areas visited for tourism purposes in Antalya province. In this study, multicriteria decision-making techniques were used to identify the most endangered and vulnerable natural areas. Thus, 15 natural areas are not open for intensive use, and eight criteria are considered to endanger these natural areas. SWARA and MOORA techniques were integrated into the study. After the SWARA determined the weights of the criteria, the hazard levels of the natural areas were listed by the MOORA Method. According to the criteria weights, the most significant ones were “pollution level” and “carrying capacity,” while the least effective criterion was “proximity to the water source.” Regarding the MOORA rate and MOORA reference method results, the natural areas with the highest possible level of danger are “Korsan Koyu,” “Gizli Koy,” and “Ceneviz Koyu.” On the other hand, the least dangerous and nondestructive natural areas were “Kızlar Sivrisi” and “Güver Kanyonu.”

DOI :10.26650/JGEOG2020-0059   IUP :10.26650/JGEOG2020-0059    Full Text (PDF)

Antalya İlinde Turizme Açık Doğal Alanların Tehlike Düzeylerinin Bütünleşik SWARA-MOORA Yöntemi ile Belirlenmesi

Onur SelçukHatice KarakaşEmre İpekçi Çetin

Turizm ve doğal çevre ilişkisinin sürdürülebilir olabilmesi için var olan doğal alanların korunması gerektiği ortadadır. Çevresel sorunlara sahip bir destinasyonda turizm faaliyetlerinin gelişimi olası değildir. Bu çalışmada Antalya ilinde turizm amaçlı ziyaret edilen doğal alanlarda oluşan çevresel tehlike düzeyinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. En fazla tehlike altında olan ve korunmaya en muhtaç doğal alanların belirlenmesi için bu çalışmada çok kriterli karar verme yöntemlerinden faydalanılmıştır. Bu maksatla Antalya ilinde yer alan ve yoğun kullanıma açılmamış 15 doğal alan ve bu doğal alanları tehlikeye atacağı düşünülen 8 kriter belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada SWARA ve MOORA yöntemleri bütünleşik olarak kullanılmıştır. SWARA yöntemiyle kriterlerin ağırlıkları belirlendikten sonra MOORA yöntemiyle doğal alanların tehlike düzeyleri sıralanmıştır. Doğal alanların tehlike düzeyini gösteren kriterler arasında en önemli kriterlerin “kirlilik düzeyi” ve “taşıma kapasitesi” olduğu, en az etkiye sahip kriterin ise “su kaynağına yakınlık” olduğu tespit edilmiştir. MOORA Oran Yöntemi ve MOORA Referans Yöntemi sonuçlarına göre en fazla tahribata uğrayan, olası tehlike düzeyi en yüksek olan doğal alanlar kıyı kesimlerinde yer alan Korsan Koyu, Gizli Koy ve Ceneviz Koyu’dur. Ele alınan alternatifler arasında en az tehlike düzeyine sahip ve tahribata uğramayan doğal alanlar ise Kızlar Sivrisi ve Güver Kanyonu olarak göze çarpmaktadır. 


The existing environment needs to be protected for the relationship between tourism and the natural environment to be sustainable. A quality environment is significant for the competition of touristic destinations. However, the natural area’s development is also essential to reveal the environmental impacts based on tourism. In this context, several concepts and activities can be stated, which indicate the danger of tourism activities for natural areas. This study aims to determine the level of danger caused by the tourism activities of the natural areas in Antalya province. Thus, solutions can be proposed for the natural areas that need the most protection. In this study, 15 areas that stand out with their natural attraction in Antalya province: “Adam Kayalar,” “Altınbeşik Mağarası,” “Ceneviz Koyu,” “Cennet Koyu,” “Eğrigöl Yaylası,” “Gizli Koy,” “Güver Kanyonu,” “Kızlar Sivrisi,” “Kocaçay Şelalesi,” “Korsan Koyu,” “Kral Havuzu,” “Maden Koyu,” “Sapadere Kanyonu,” “Tilkiler Mağarası,” “Uçansu Şelalesi” are chosen as alternatives. Besides, the carrying capacity of the Natural Area, distance to the city center, the level of pollution assessed by past visitors, distance to the nearest water source, the presence and number of endemic plant species in the region, the number of accommodation in the area, and the number of tours or trips to the region were determined as effective criteria in determining the hazard levels of natural areas.

In this study, SWARA and MOORA techniques, which are among the MCDM techniques, were preferred and applied in an integrated (hybrid) manner. The criterion weights obtained with the SWARA technique are included in an input to the MOORA technique. From the SWARA technique’s result, the most effective criteria in indicating the hazard levels of natural areas are “pollution level (0.22)” and “carrying capacity (0.18).” “Being close to the water source” has been identified as the least effective criterion for endangering natural areas. After the criteria weights were finalized, the MOORA technique was implemented. Within the scope of the research, the alternatives with the highest possible level of danger and suffered the most damage are “Korsan Koyu,” “Gizli Koy,” and “Ceneviz Koyu.” On the other side, it is obtained that the natural areas with the lowest level of danger and less destruction than others are the “Kızlar Sivrisi” and “Güver Kanyonu.” 

In light of the study findings, the hazard factors that may arise from touristic activities in Antalya’s natural tourism areas and the current hazard levels are revealed. In this context, it has been concluded that natural areas, especially located in coastal areas, have the highest level of danger. Thus, sustainable tourism planning should be reviewed starting from these areas and the current problems of past studies such as the Southern Antalya Project should be analyzed well. Coastal areas are more open to demand as they have attractive opportunities for tourists. When looking at the world’s tourism trends, most tourism destinations are prone to seaside and coastal areas. Therefore, the situation may cause the natural and cultural destruction of the coastal areas, which tourists frequently prefer to gain momentum in the long term. It can be said that Antalya’s development as a coastal tourism city had a great impact on this outcome. However, the tourism activities to be carried out regardless of the carrying capacity will cause the natural area to disappear rapidly and decrease the region’s tourist attraction. Thus, it is one of the suggestions to limit the number of tours and trips organized to the regions by considering the balancing use and protection. It is recommended to employ certifications such as Green Star and Blue Flag to protect the coasts. The ecological importance of natural tourism areas can be emphasized through promotional activities. Activities to increase awareness levels of agencies and private groups organizing trips and tours to the natural tourism areas can be developed. It is suggested to academicians whose studies can potentially concentrate in these fields to measure the sustainability of the natural tourism areas and their impact on the destinations and determine other possible factors.

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Selçuk, O., Karakaş, H., & Çetin, E.İ. (2020). Determination of Hazard Levels of Natural Areas not Opened for Intensive Use in Tourism in ANTALYA Province with Hybrid SWARA-MOORA Technique. Journal of Geography, 0(41), 77-91.


Selçuk O, Karakaş H, Çetin E İ. Determination of Hazard Levels of Natural Areas not Opened for Intensive Use in Tourism in ANTALYA Province with Hybrid SWARA-MOORA Technique. Journal of Geography. 2020;0(41):77-91.


Selçuk, O.; Karakaş, H.; Çetin, E.İ. Determination of Hazard Levels of Natural Areas not Opened for Intensive Use in Tourism in ANTALYA Province with Hybrid SWARA-MOORA Technique. Journal of Geography, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 41, p. 77-91, 2020.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Selçuk, Onur, and Hatice Karakaş and Emre İpekçi Çetin. 2020. “Determination of Hazard Levels of Natural Areas not Opened for Intensive Use in Tourism in ANTALYA Province with Hybrid SWARA-MOORA Technique.” Journal of Geography 0, no. 41: 77-91.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Selçuk, Onur, and Hatice Karakaş and Emre İpekçi Çetin. Determination of Hazard Levels of Natural Areas not Opened for Intensive Use in Tourism in ANTALYA Province with Hybrid SWARA-MOORA Technique.” Journal of Geography 0, no. 41 (May. 2024): 77-91.

Harvard: Australian Style

Selçuk, O & Karakaş, H & Çetin, Eİ 2020, 'Determination of Hazard Levels of Natural Areas not Opened for Intensive Use in Tourism in ANTALYA Province with Hybrid SWARA-MOORA Technique', Journal of Geography, vol. 0, no. 41, pp. 77-91, viewed 5 May. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Selçuk, O. and Karakaş, H. and Çetin, E.İ. (2020) ‘Determination of Hazard Levels of Natural Areas not Opened for Intensive Use in Tourism in ANTALYA Province with Hybrid SWARA-MOORA Technique’, Journal of Geography, 0(41), pp. 77-91. (5 May. 2024).


Selçuk, Onur, and Hatice Karakaş and Emre İpekçi Çetin. Determination of Hazard Levels of Natural Areas not Opened for Intensive Use in Tourism in ANTALYA Province with Hybrid SWARA-MOORA Technique.” Journal of Geography, vol. 0, no. 41, 2020, pp. 77-91. [Database Container],


Selçuk O, Karakaş H, Çetin Eİ. Determination of Hazard Levels of Natural Areas not Opened for Intensive Use in Tourism in ANTALYA Province with Hybrid SWARA-MOORA Technique. Journal of Geography [Internet]. 5 May. 2024 [cited 5 May. 2024];0(41):77-91. Available from: doi: 10.26650/JGEOG2020-0059


Selçuk, Onur - Karakaş, Hatice - Çetin, Emreİpekçi. Determination of Hazard Levels of Natural Areas not Opened for Intensive Use in Tourism in ANTALYA Province with Hybrid SWARA-MOORA Technique”. Journal of Geography 0/41 (May. 2024): 77-91.


Published Online02.12.2020


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