Case Report

DOI :10.26650/IUITFD.1248531   IUP :10.26650/IUITFD.1248531    Full Text (PDF)


Marko TanıcTomislav BasovıcIvana Mıtrovıc TanıcTijana JoncıcJelena TomıcVeljkovic Andrej

Bladder stones are very common in the elderly population with lower urinary tract obstruction, and they are associated with adverse outcomes such as recurrent infections and lower urinary tract obstruction. Managing bladder stones has traditionally been done using open procedures such as a cystolithotomy or endoscopic removal. The objective of the study is to present a rare case of multiple bladder stones in a surgical emergency where urinary diversion was mandatory, as endoscopic manipulation appeared impossible—for an 85-year-old man who presented with acute abdomen symptoms, hemodynamically unstable severe urethral injury, and multiple bladder stones. Abdominopelvic non-contrast computerized tomography (NCCT) showed free fluid in the abdomen, gas in the bladder, and numerous bladder stones. Emergency surgery was performed on the patient, and the preexisting perforated stomach ulcer was surgically reconstructed. For urinary diversion, the decision was made to perform open cystolithotomy to eliminate more than 84 bladder stones of different shapes and sizes. We placed a urinary catheter using a Benique bougie and performed the cystostomy to open a second route.

DOI :10.26650/IUITFD.1248531   IUP :10.26650/IUITFD.1248531    Full Text (PDF)


Marko TanıcTomislav BasovıcIvana Mıtrovıc TanıcTijana JoncıcJelena TomıcVeljkovic Andrej

Mesane taşları, alt üriner sistem obstrüksiyonu olan yaşlı popülasyonda çok yaygındır ve tekrarlayan enfeksiyonlar ve alt üriner sistem obstrüksiyonu gibi olumsuz sonuçlarla ilişkilidir.

Mesane taşlarının yönetimi geleneksel olarak sistolitotomi gibi açık tekniklerle veya endoskopik olarak çıkarılmasıyla yapılmaktadır. Çalışmanın amacı, çoklu mesane taşı olan ve endoskopik manüpulasyon yapılamadığndan üriner diversiyon yapılması için acil cerrahi müdahale gerektiren nadir bir olgununun sunulmasıdır. Akut abdominal bulguları olan 85 yaşındaki erkek olgunun hemodinamik olarak stabil olmayan ağır üretral hasarı bulunmaktaydı. Abdominopelvik kontrastsız bilgisayarlı tomografide (NCCT) batında serbest sıvı, mesanede gaz ve çok sayıda mesane taşı görüldü. Acil cerrahiye alınan hastanın önceden var olan ve perfore olmuş mide ülserine müdahale yapıldı. Farklı şekil ve boyuttaki 84’den fazla taşın alınması için uygulanacak üriner diversiyonun açık sistolitotomi şeklinde yapılmasına karar verildi. Benique buji kullanılarak üriner kateter yerleştirildi ve ikinci bir yol açmak amacı ile sistostomi uygulandı.

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Tanıc, M., Basovıc, T., Mıtrovıc Tanıc, I., Joncıc, T., Tomıc, J., & Andrej, V. (2023). MULTIPLE BLADDER STONES AND SEVERE URETHRAL INJURY IN A PATIENT WITH ACUTE ABDOMEN: A CASE REPORT. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, 86(3), 268-271.


Tanıc M, Basovıc T, Mıtrovıc Tanıc I, Joncıc T, Tomıc J, Andrej V. MULTIPLE BLADDER STONES AND SEVERE URETHRAL INJURY IN A PATIENT WITH ACUTE ABDOMEN: A CASE REPORT. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine. 2023;86(3):268-271.


Tanıc, M.; Basovıc, T.; Mıtrovıc Tanıc, I.; Joncıc, T.; Tomıc, J.; Andrej, V. MULTIPLE BLADDER STONES AND SEVERE URETHRAL INJURY IN A PATIENT WITH ACUTE ABDOMEN: A CASE REPORT. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, [Publisher Location], v. 86, n. 3, p. 268-271, 2023.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Tanıc, Marko, and Tomislav Basovıc and Ivana Mıtrovıc Tanıc and Tijana Joncıc and Jelena Tomıc and Veljkovic Andrej. 2023. “MULTIPLE BLADDER STONES AND SEVERE URETHRAL INJURY IN A PATIENT WITH ACUTE ABDOMEN: A CASE REPORT.” Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 86, no. 3: 268-271.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Tanıc, Marko, and Tomislav Basovıc and Ivana Mıtrovıc Tanıc and Tijana Joncıc and Jelena Tomıc and Veljkovic Andrej. MULTIPLE BLADDER STONES AND SEVERE URETHRAL INJURY IN A PATIENT WITH ACUTE ABDOMEN: A CASE REPORT.” Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 86, no. 3 (Sep. 2024): 268-271.

Harvard: Australian Style

Tanıc, M & Basovıc, T & Mıtrovıc Tanıc, I & Joncıc, T & Tomıc, J & Andrej, V 2023, 'MULTIPLE BLADDER STONES AND SEVERE URETHRAL INJURY IN A PATIENT WITH ACUTE ABDOMEN: A CASE REPORT', Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, vol. 86, no. 3, pp. 268-271, viewed 21 Sep. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Tanıc, M. and Basovıc, T. and Mıtrovıc Tanıc, I. and Joncıc, T. and Tomıc, J. and Andrej, V. (2023) ‘MULTIPLE BLADDER STONES AND SEVERE URETHRAL INJURY IN A PATIENT WITH ACUTE ABDOMEN: A CASE REPORT’, Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, 86(3), pp. 268-271. (21 Sep. 2024).


Tanıc, Marko, and Tomislav Basovıc and Ivana Mıtrovıc Tanıc and Tijana Joncıc and Jelena Tomıc and Veljkovic Andrej. MULTIPLE BLADDER STONES AND SEVERE URETHRAL INJURY IN A PATIENT WITH ACUTE ABDOMEN: A CASE REPORT.” Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, vol. 86, no. 3, 2023, pp. 268-271. [Database Container],


Tanıc M, Basovıc T, Mıtrovıc Tanıc I, Joncıc T, Tomıc J, Andrej V. MULTIPLE BLADDER STONES AND SEVERE URETHRAL INJURY IN A PATIENT WITH ACUTE ABDOMEN: A CASE REPORT. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine [Internet]. 21 Sep. 2024 [cited 21 Sep. 2024];86(3):268-271. Available from: doi: 10.26650/IUITFD.1248531


Tanıc, Marko - Basovıc, Tomislav - Mıtrovıc Tanıc, Ivana - Joncıc, Tijana - Tomıc, Jelena - Andrej, Veljkovic. MULTIPLE BLADDER STONES AND SEVERE URETHRAL INJURY IN A PATIENT WITH ACUTE ABDOMEN: A CASE REPORT”. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 86/3 (Sep. 2024): 268-271.


Published Online26.07.2023


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