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DOI :https://doi.org/10.18017/iuitfd.259631   IUP :https://doi.org/10.18017/iuitfd.259631    Full Text (PDF)


Şerife BayraktarZafer CebeciNilüfer GözümAhmet Gücükoğlu

Objective: To assess the vision-releated quality of life before and after the cataract surgery among senile cataract patients.

Material and methods: The Turkish translation of National Eye Institute Visual Functioning Questionnaire (NEI-VFQ 25) was surveyed to the patients who were planned to have phaco surgery at Istanbul Medical Faculty, Department of Ophthalmology before and at least 3 months after the surgery. Also demographic data (age, gender, education status), ocular findings (best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) before and after the surgery, type of cataract and ocular comorbidity were evaluated.

Results: 19(54,3%) of the patients were female and 16(45,7%) were male. Their ages were between 35 and 81 years. 23(65,7%) patients were older than 60 years. The mean age was 66,48±9.98. BCVA according to the Snellen chart before surgery was 0,42±0,2. After the surgery it was 0,96±0,07. The BCVA of women before the surgery was 0,39±0,2 while the men’s BCVA was 0,46±0,2. The mean score of NEI-VFQ-TR 25 was 79,03±9,78 before the surgery and increased to 99,47±0,74 after the surgery (p=0,000). The men’s mean score was 81,8±7,6 and the women’s mean score was 77,1±10,9 before the surgery. After the surgery stastistically significant increases were seen in all scores (t= -10,25, -10,74, p=0,000). There was a stastically meaningful difference between the mean scores of low educated (primary school and under) and the high educated (high school and upper) groups before and after the surgery(p=0,000).

Conclusion: The vision-releated quality of life among cataract patients has improved significantly after the phaco surgery. NEI-VFQ-TR 25 seems to be a valid and reliable tool to assess the difference.

DOI :https://doi.org/10.18017/iuitfd.259631   IUP :https://doi.org/10.18017/iuitfd.259631    Full Text (PDF)


Şerife BayraktarZafer CebeciNilüfer GözümAhmet Gücükoğlu

Amaç: Senil kataraktı olan hastalarda görme işlevine bağlı yaşam kalitesinin operasyon öncesinde ve sonrasında değerlendirilmesi.

Gereç-Yöntem: İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Göz Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı’nda Fako cerrahisi planlanan hastalara operasyon uygulanmadan önce ve operasyondan en az 3 ay sonra olmak üzere Ulusal Göz Sağlığı Enstitüsü Görme İşlevleri Anketi’nin (NEI-VFQ 25) Türkçe çevirisi uygulandı. Hastaların ayrıca tüm demografik verileri (yaş, cinsiyet, eğitim durumu), oküler bulguları (operasyon öncesinde en iyi düzeltilmiş görme keskinliği (EİDGK), operasyon sonrasında EİDGK, kataraktın tipi, oküler komorbiditeleri gözden geçirildi.

Bulgular: Hastaların 19’u kadın (%54,3) ve 16’sı erkekti (%45,7). Hastaların yaşı 35 ile 81 arasında değişmekteydi. 23 hastanın (%65,7) yaşı 60’ın üzerindeydi. Ortalama yaş 66,48±9.98 idi. Operasyon öncesi EİDGK Snellen eşeline göre 0,42±0,2 idi. Operasyon sonrası EİDGK yine Snellen eşeline göre 0,96±0,07 idi. Kadınların operasyon öncesi EİDGK ortalama 0,39±0,2 iken erkeklerin operasyon öncesi EİDGK ortalama 0,46±0,2 idi. NEI-VFQ 25 anketinin ameliyattan önce elde edilen ölçek puan ortalaması 79,03±9,78 iken ameliyat sonrasında bu puanın 99,47±0,74’e yükseldiği tespit edilmiştir (p=0,000). Erkeklerin ameliyat öncesi puan ortalaması 81,8±7,6 iken kadınların puan ortalaması 77,1±10,9 idi. Fakat ameliyat sonrasında her iki grubun da puan ortalamasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı yükselme olduğu saptandı (t= -10,25, -10,74, p=0,000). Eğitim düzeyi düşük (ilkokul ve altı) ile eğitim düzeyi yüksek (lise ve üstü) iki grup arasında ameliyat öncesi ve sonrası puan ortalamaları farkı istatistiksel olarak anlamlı idi (p=0,000).

Sonuç: Katarakt hastalarının görme işlevine bağlı yaşam kalitesi Fako operasyonu sonrasında anlamlı düzeyde artmıştır. Meydana gelen değişiklikleri değerlendirmede NEI-VFQ-TR 25 geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçek olarak görünmektedir

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Bayraktar, Ş., Cebeci, Z., Gözüm, N., & Gücükoğlu, A. (0001). ASSESSMENT OF VISION-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE BEFORE AND AFTER CATARACT SURGERY AMONG SENILE CATARACT PATIENTS. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, 79(2), 54-60. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.18017/iuitfd.259631


Bayraktar Ş, Cebeci Z, Gözüm N, Gücükoğlu A. ASSESSMENT OF VISION-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE BEFORE AND AFTER CATARACT SURGERY AMONG SENILE CATARACT PATIENTS. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine. 0001;79(2):54-60. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.18017/iuitfd.259631


Bayraktar, Ş.; Cebeci, Z.; Gözüm, N.; Gücükoğlu, A. ASSESSMENT OF VISION-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE BEFORE AND AFTER CATARACT SURGERY AMONG SENILE CATARACT PATIENTS. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, [Publisher Location], v. 79, n. 2, p. 54-60, 0001.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Bayraktar, Şerife, and Zafer Cebeci and Nilüfer Gözüm and Ahmet Gücükoğlu. 0001. “ASSESSMENT OF VISION-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE BEFORE AND AFTER CATARACT SURGERY AMONG SENILE CATARACT PATIENTS.” Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 79, no. 2: 54-60. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.18017/iuitfd.259631

Chicago: Humanities Style

Bayraktar, Şerife, and Zafer Cebeci and Nilüfer Gözüm and Ahmet Gücükoğlu. ASSESSMENT OF VISION-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE BEFORE AND AFTER CATARACT SURGERY AMONG SENILE CATARACT PATIENTS.” Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 79, no. 2 (Oct. 2024): 54-60. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.18017/iuitfd.259631

Harvard: Australian Style

Bayraktar, Ş & Cebeci, Z & Gözüm, N & Gücükoğlu, A 0001, 'ASSESSMENT OF VISION-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE BEFORE AND AFTER CATARACT SURGERY AMONG SENILE CATARACT PATIENTS', Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, vol. 79, no. 2, pp. 54-60, viewed 13 Oct. 2024, https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.18017/iuitfd.259631

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Bayraktar, Ş. and Cebeci, Z. and Gözüm, N. and Gücükoğlu, A. (0001) ‘ASSESSMENT OF VISION-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE BEFORE AND AFTER CATARACT SURGERY AMONG SENILE CATARACT PATIENTS’, Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, 79(2), pp. 54-60. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.18017/iuitfd.259631 (13 Oct. 2024).


Bayraktar, Şerife, and Zafer Cebeci and Nilüfer Gözüm and Ahmet Gücükoğlu. ASSESSMENT OF VISION-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE BEFORE AND AFTER CATARACT SURGERY AMONG SENILE CATARACT PATIENTS.” Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, vol. 79, no. 2, 0001, pp. 54-60. [Database Container], https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.18017/iuitfd.259631


Bayraktar Ş, Cebeci Z, Gözüm N, Gücükoğlu A. ASSESSMENT OF VISION-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE BEFORE AND AFTER CATARACT SURGERY AMONG SENILE CATARACT PATIENTS. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine [Internet]. 13 Oct. 2024 [cited 13 Oct. 2024];79(2):54-60. Available from: https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.18017/iuitfd.259631 doi: https://doi.org/10.18017/iuitfd.259631


Bayraktar, Şerife - Cebeci, Zafer - Gözüm, Nilüfer - Gücükoğlu, Ahmet. ASSESSMENT OF VISION-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE BEFORE AND AFTER CATARACT SURGERY AMONG SENILE CATARACT PATIENTS”. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 79/2 (Oct. 2024): 54-60. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.18017/iuitfd.259631

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