Research Article

DOI :10.26650/IUITFD.2021.928835   IUP :10.26650/IUITFD.2021.928835    Full Text (PDF)


Gonca KeskindemirciNalan KarabayırAyşe İstanbullu TosunSelda Hançerli TörünCeren Sultan AltayMuhammet Fatih SebirliÖzge KabaBüşra Sultan KibarEmine Gülbin Gökçay

Objective: This study aimed to determine the presence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) antigens and IgM and IgG antibodies in breast milk of mothers diagnosed with Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19). Methods: The study was conducted in 11 mother-child pairs. Breastfeeding mothers who were either positive according to a PCR test or those who were negative but had COVID symptoms were included in the study. Expressed milk was stored at -20/-80°C until analysis. Breastmilk SARS-CoV-2 antigens and IgM and IgG antibodies were measured. The infants were followed for at least 15 days. Results: SARS-CoV-2 PCR tests using a nasofarengeal swab was positive in 10 of 11 mothers. Nine mothers had symptoms of COVID-19. Breast milk samples were taken, on average, 15 days after symptom onset or a positive PCR result. SARS-CoV-2 PCR tests using a nasopharyngeal swab was positive in seven infants. The SARS-CoV-2 antigen was not detected in the breast milk of any of the mothers. However, SARS-CoV-2 IgG and IgM antibodies were detected in the breast milk of two mothers, who had a positive PCR test and experienced clinical symptoms. The children of these two mothers experienced no symptoms.Conclusion: Official institutions have recommended and supported breastfeeding during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Our findings support this recommendation. The promotion and protection of breastfeeding under emergency conditions is of great importance for the health of children, mothers, and society.

DOI :10.26650/IUITFD.2021.928835   IUP :10.26650/IUITFD.2021.928835    Full Text (PDF)


Gonca KeskindemirciNalan KarabayırAyşe İstanbullu TosunSelda Hançerli TörünCeren Sultan AltayMuhammet Fatih SebirliÖzge KabaBüşra Sultan KibarEmine Gülbin Gökçay

Amaç: Koronavirüs hastalığı-19 (COVID-19) tanısı almış annelerin anne sütünde Şiddetli Akut Solunum Sendromu koronavirüs-2 (SARS-CoV-2) antijeni ile IgM ve IgG antikorlarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışma 11 anne-çocuk çifti ile gerçekleştirildi. Çalışmaya PCR testine göre pozitif olan veya negatif olup ancak COVID semptomları olan emziren anneler dahil edildi. Sağılmış anne sütü, analiz aşamasına kadar -20/-80°C’de saklandı. Anne sütü SARS-CoV-2 antijeni ve IgM ve IgG antikorları ölçüldü. Bebekler en az 15 gün takip edildi. Bulgular: Nazofarengeal sürüntüde SARS-CoV-2 PCR testleri 11 annenin 10’unda pozitifti. Dokuz annede COVID-19 semptomları vardı. Annelerin semptomlarından veya pozitif PCR sonuçlarından ortalama 15 gün sonra anne sütü örneği alındı. Nazofarengeal sürüntü testlerinde SARS-CoV-2 PCR testleri 11 anne bebeğinin 7’inde pozitifti. SARS-CoV-2 antijeni hiçbir annenin anne sütünde saptanmadı. Ancak PCR testi pozitif olan ve klinik semptomlar yaşayan iki annenin sütünde SARS-CoV-2 IgG ve IgM antikorları tespit edildi. Bu iki annenin çocukları hiçbir belirti göstermedi. Sonuç: SARS-CoV-2 salgınında resmi kurumlar tarafından emzirme tavsiye edilmiş ve desteklenmiştir. Bulgularımız bu öneriyi desteklemektedir. Emzirmenin acil koşullarda teşviki ve korunması, çocuğun, annenin ve toplumun sağlığı açısından çok önemlidir. 

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Keskindemirci, G., Karabayır, N., İstanbullu Tosun, A., Hançerli Törün, S., Altay, C.S., Sebirli, M.F., Kaba, Ö., Kibar, B.S., & Gökçay, E.G. (2021). SEVERE ACUTE RESPIRATORY SYNDROME CORONAVIRUS-2 ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES IN BREAST MILK. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, 84(3), 287-292.


Keskindemirci G, Karabayır N, İstanbullu Tosun A, Hançerli Törün S, Altay C S, Sebirli M F, Kaba Ö, Kibar B S, Gökçay E G. SEVERE ACUTE RESPIRATORY SYNDROME CORONAVIRUS-2 ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES IN BREAST MILK. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine. 2021;84(3):287-292.


Keskindemirci, G.; Karabayır, N.; İstanbullu Tosun, A.; Hançerli Törün, S.; Altay, C.S.; Sebirli, M.F.; Kaba, Ö.; Kibar, B.S.; Gökçay, E.G. SEVERE ACUTE RESPIRATORY SYNDROME CORONAVIRUS-2 ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES IN BREAST MILK. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, [Publisher Location], v. 84, n. 3, p. 287-292, 2021.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Keskindemirci, Gonca, and Nalan Karabayır and Ayşe İstanbullu Tosun and Selda Hançerli Törün and Ceren Sultan Altay and Muhammet Fatih Sebirli and Özge Kaba and Büşra Sultan Kibar and Emine Gülbin Gökçay. 2021. “SEVERE ACUTE RESPIRATORY SYNDROME CORONAVIRUS-2 ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES IN BREAST MILK.” Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 84, no. 3: 287-292.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Keskindemirci, Gonca, and Nalan Karabayır and Ayşe İstanbullu Tosun and Selda Hançerli Törün and Ceren Sultan Altay and Muhammet Fatih Sebirli and Özge Kaba and Büşra Sultan Kibar and Emine Gülbin Gökçay. SEVERE ACUTE RESPIRATORY SYNDROME CORONAVIRUS-2 ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES IN BREAST MILK.” Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 84, no. 3 (Feb. 2025): 287-292.

Harvard: Australian Style

Keskindemirci, G & Karabayır, N & İstanbullu Tosun, A & Hançerli Törün, S & Altay, CS & Sebirli, MF & Kaba, Ö & Kibar, BS & Gökçay, EG 2021, 'SEVERE ACUTE RESPIRATORY SYNDROME CORONAVIRUS-2 ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES IN BREAST MILK', Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, vol. 84, no. 3, pp. 287-292, viewed 23 Feb. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Keskindemirci, G. and Karabayır, N. and İstanbullu Tosun, A. and Hançerli Törün, S. and Altay, C.S. and Sebirli, M.F. and Kaba, Ö. and Kibar, B.S. and Gökçay, E.G. (2021) ‘SEVERE ACUTE RESPIRATORY SYNDROME CORONAVIRUS-2 ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES IN BREAST MILK’, Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, 84(3), pp. 287-292. (23 Feb. 2025).


Keskindemirci, Gonca, and Nalan Karabayır and Ayşe İstanbullu Tosun and Selda Hançerli Törün and Ceren Sultan Altay and Muhammet Fatih Sebirli and Özge Kaba and Büşra Sultan Kibar and Emine Gülbin Gökçay. SEVERE ACUTE RESPIRATORY SYNDROME CORONAVIRUS-2 ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES IN BREAST MILK.” Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, vol. 84, no. 3, 2021, pp. 287-292. [Database Container],


Keskindemirci G, Karabayır N, İstanbullu Tosun A, Hançerli Törün S, Altay CS, Sebirli MF, Kaba Ö, Kibar BS, Gökçay EG. SEVERE ACUTE RESPIRATORY SYNDROME CORONAVIRUS-2 ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES IN BREAST MILK. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine [Internet]. 23 Feb. 2025 [cited 23 Feb. 2025];84(3):287-292. Available from: doi: 10.26650/IUITFD.2021.928835


Keskindemirci, Gonca - Karabayır, Nalan - İstanbullu Tosun, Ayşe - Hançerli Törün, Selda - Altay, CerenSultan - Sebirli, MuhammetFatih - Kaba, Özge - Kibar, BüşraSultan - Gökçay, EmineGülbin. SEVERE ACUTE RESPIRATORY SYNDROME CORONAVIRUS-2 ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES IN BREAST MILK”. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 84/3 (Feb. 2025): 287-292.


Published Online17.05.2021


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