

Hafsa Akhtar

To understand the poetry of Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi as a progressive poet, it is necessary to have an idea about the contents of his poetry first. Because these contents made his poetry acceptable to the reader. As contents he preferred love, lover’s beauty, natural beauty, rural nature, oppresses and reality of rural society, people and their actions, efforts and humanity in his poetry. At the beginning of his poetic life, beauty, love and nature of life have been preferred as contents in his poetic work; which have been inserted into his poetry “Rim Jhim’s Qatah”. He presented these contents more deeply and in detail in his next book “Jalal-o-Jamal”. In addition to the above mentioned contents in this book, he has shown the daily life of the village and love for the village. In his poetry “Dasht-e-wafa”, he preferred humanity and man’s effort as subject. In this way, he called for creating a beautiful world through his poetry by highlighting the reality and humanity. In my research article, I have tried to deeply review these contents of Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi’s poetry, so that the reader will be able to easily understand the purpose of his poetry


Hafsa Akhtar

احمد ندیم قاسمی نے شاعری میں عشق، حسن، فطری مناظر، دیہی فطرت، دیہی سماج کا ظلم اورحقیقت ، انسان اور اس کے اعمال ، کوششیں اور انسانیت وغیرہ کو موضوع کے طور پر ترجیح دی۔دیگر شاعروں کی طرح ندیم نے رومانوی شاعری سے اپنی شاعرانہ زندگی شروع کی ہے۔ اس کے ساتھ ہی اپنی شاعرانہ زندگی کے آغاز میں انہوں نے حسن، محبت، اور زندگی کی نوعیت کو اپنی شاعری کے موضوعات بنایا؛جو ان کی شاعری کا مجموعہ ''رم جھم'' کے قطعات میں نظر آتا ہے۔ان قطعات میں انہوں نے شاعری اور افسانہ کو یکجا کر کے ایک نئے سنگ میل کی بنیاد ڈالی۔ اس کے ساتھ ان قطعات میں ایک خاص علاقہ کا رنگ جھلکتانظر آتا ہے، یہ ندیم کی پیدائش گاہ پنجاب ہے۔ یہ قطعات ندیم کی شاعرانہ شخصیت کا آئینہ دارہیں۔ قاسمی نے ا ن موضوعات کومزید گہرائی اور تفصیلات سے اپنی اگلی شاعری کامجموعہ "جلال وجمال"میں پیش کیا ہے۔اسی کتاب میں مندرجہ بالا مضامین کے علاوہ انہوں نے گائوں کی روزانہ زندگی کو پیش کیا ہے۔۔ ان کی شاعری کامجموعہ '' دشت وفا'' میں انہوں نے انسانیت اور انسان کی کوشش کو موضوع کے طور پر اہمیت دی۔ اسی طرح انہوں نے حقیقت اور انسانیت کو نمایاں کرتے ہوئے اپنی شاعری کے ذریعے ایک خوبصورت دنیا بنانے کے لئے مطالبہ کیا ہے۔ میں نے اس تحریر میں احمد ندیم قاسمی کی شاعری کے ان موضوعات کو گہرائیوں سے جائزہ لینے کی کوشش کی ہے تاکہ قارئین ان کی شاعری کے مقاصد کو آسانی سے سمجھ سکے۔


Hafsa Akhtar

İlerici bir şair olan Ahmed Nedim Kasimi’yi anlamak için, ilk olarak şiirlerinin içeriği hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak gerekmektedir. Çünkü bu içerikler, Kasimi’nin şiirlerini okuyucular için anlaşılır yapmaktadır. Şiirlerinde aşk, aşığın güzelliği, doğal güzellik, kırsal doğa, kırsal toplumdaki gerçeklik ve bunalım, insanlar ve onların hareketleri, insanlık ve toplumsal çabayı işlemiştir. Şiirsel yaşamının başlarında güzellik, aşk ve yaşamın mizacı gibi konuları ele almış ve bunları da “Rim Jhim›s Qatah” isimli şiirlerine eklemiştir. Bu gibi derin konuları detaylı bir şekilde bir sonraki kitabı olan “Jalal-o-Jamal” da sunmuştur. Bu kitapta yukarıda sözü edilen konulara ek olarak, köylerdeki günlük yaşamı ve köylerdeki aşkı da göstermiştir. “Dasht-e-wafa” isimli şiirlerinde ise insanlık ve insanın gayretini konu olarak seçmiştir. Bu şekilde, şiirleriyle gerçekliği ve insanlığı vurgulayarak güzel bir dünya yaratmaya çabalamıştır. Bu çalışmamda, Ahmed Nedim Kasimi’nin şiirlerinin konuları derin bir şeklinde incelemeye çalıştım ki bu vesile ile okuyucular Kasimi’nin şiirlerini kolaylıkla anlayabileceklerdir


To understand the poetry of Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi as a progressive poet, it is necessary to have an idea about the contents of his poetry first. Because these contents made his poetry acceptable to the reader. As contents he preferred love, lover’s beauty, natural beauty, rural nature, oppresses and reality of rural society, people and their actions, efforts and humanity in his poetry. Like other poets, he started his poetic life with romantic poem. At the beginning of his poetic life, beauty, love and nature of life have been preferred as contents in his poetic work; which have been inserted into his poetry “Rim Jhim’s Qatah. Through these Qatahs he created a new poetry in combination with poetry and stories. Besides, a special locality has gained prominence in these Qatahs, that is the birthplace of Nadeem; Punjab. This book is the mirror of Nadeem’s poetic personality. He presented these contents more deeply and in detail in his next book “Jalal-o-Jamal”. In addition to the above mentioned contents in this book, he has shown the daily life of the village. In this book his romantic feelings has became more profound. The Ghazals of this book are its bright example. In the poem of this book his love for the village has been expressed; Mera Gaon, Gaon Ki Subeh, Gao Ki Shaam are the great example. From then on, the view of Nadeem’s thoughts and life began to change. He became deeply concerned about the problems as well as solutions of life. As a result, in his next book “Showla-e-gul”, he described the deprivation of the people behind the rural beauty. In the poem Dranti he presented the pathetic scream of a peasant. In the poem like Tulo, Azadi Ke Baad, Insan Azim Hai he took the reality as the subject and presented the real picture of Hindustan to the reader. At the same time, he preferred the work of the people, tried to rise against exploitation. In his poetry “Dasht-e-wafa”, he preferred humanity and man’s effort as subject. In this way, he called for creating a beautiful world through his poetry by highlighting the reality and humanity. In my research article I have tried to deeply review these contents of Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi’s poetry, so that the reader will be able to easily understand the purpose of his poetry.

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  • ١۔ ڈاکٹر مرزا حامد بیگ ،''اردو افسانے کی روایت''،اکاڈمی ادبیات پاکستان ، ١٩٩١ئ،ص۔٥٧٧ google scholar
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Akhtar, H. (2018). AHMAD NADEEM QASMI’S POET: AN ANALYSIS OF MISCELLANEOUS ASPECTS. Journal of Oriental Studies, 0(32), 57-73.


Akhtar H. AHMAD NADEEM QASMI’S POET: AN ANALYSIS OF MISCELLANEOUS ASPECTS. Journal of Oriental Studies. 2018;0(32):57-73.


Akhtar, H. AHMAD NADEEM QASMI’S POET: AN ANALYSIS OF MISCELLANEOUS ASPECTS. Journal of Oriental Studies, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 32, p. 57-73, 2018.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Akhtar, Hafsa,. 2018. “AHMAD NADEEM QASMI’S POET: AN ANALYSIS OF MISCELLANEOUS ASPECTS.” Journal of Oriental Studies 0, no. 32: 57-73.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Akhtar, Hafsa,. AHMAD NADEEM QASMI’S POET: AN ANALYSIS OF MISCELLANEOUS ASPECTS.” Journal of Oriental Studies 0, no. 32 (Dec. 2024): 57-73.

Harvard: Australian Style

Akhtar, H 2018, 'AHMAD NADEEM QASMI’S POET: AN ANALYSIS OF MISCELLANEOUS ASPECTS', Journal of Oriental Studies, vol. 0, no. 32, pp. 57-73, viewed 23 Dec. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Akhtar, H. (2018) ‘AHMAD NADEEM QASMI’S POET: AN ANALYSIS OF MISCELLANEOUS ASPECTS’, Journal of Oriental Studies, 0(32), pp. 57-73. (23 Dec. 2024).


Akhtar, Hafsa,. AHMAD NADEEM QASMI’S POET: AN ANALYSIS OF MISCELLANEOUS ASPECTS.” Journal of Oriental Studies, vol. 0, no. 32, 2018, pp. 57-73. [Database Container],


Akhtar H. AHMAD NADEEM QASMI’S POET: AN ANALYSIS OF MISCELLANEOUS ASPECTS. Journal of Oriental Studies [Internet]. 23 Dec. 2024 [cited 23 Dec. 2024];0(32):57-73. Available from: doi: null


Akhtar, Hafsa. AHMAD NADEEM QASMI’S POET: AN ANALYSIS OF MISCELLANEOUS ASPECTS”. Journal of Oriental Studies 0/32 (Dec. 2024): 57-73.


Published Online03.10.2018


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