Book Review

DOI :10.26650/jos.1460189   IUP :10.26650/jos.1460189    Full Text (PDF)

Review of “Behead Him Quickly: Medieval Decapitation and the Archaeology of Display” by Ahmet Selçukoğlu

Ayşe Çekiç

Ahmet Selçukoğlu, Tiz Kellesi Vurula: Ortaçağda Baş Kesme Cezası ve Teşhirin Arkeolojisi, Kutadgu, 2023, İstanbul, ISBN: 978-605-71981-8-1

DOI :10.26650/jos.1460189   IUP :10.26650/jos.1460189    Full Text (PDF)

Ahmet Selçukoğlu’nun “Tiz Kellesi Vurula: Ortaçağda Baş Kesme Cezası ve Teşhirin Arkeolojisi” Adlı Eserinin Değerlendirmesi

Ayşe Çekiç

Ahmet Selçukoğlu, Tiz Kellesi Vurula: Ortaçağda Baş Kesme Cezası ve Teşhirin Arkeolojisi, Kutadgu, 2023, İstanbul, ISBN: 978-605-71981-8-1

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  • Selçukoğlu, Ahmet. Tiz Kellesi Vurula: Ortaçağda Baş Kesme Cezası ve Teşhirin Arkeolojisi. İstanbul: Kutatgu, 2023. google scholar
  • Taşkıran, Hasan. “Türk Devletlerinde Tabiiyet ve Tehdidin Simgesi: Kesikbaş Gönderme Geleneği”. Şarkiyat İlmi Araştırmalar Dergisi 13/1 (2021), 287-301. google scholar
  • Uyar, Mustafa. “Ortaçağ İslam Dünyasında ‘İsyanın Makus Talihi Müzesi’: Başlar Hazinesi (Hızânetü’rRu’ûs)”. Toplumsal Tarih Dergisi, 90-93. google scholar


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Çekiç, A. (2024). Review of “Behead Him Quickly: Medieval Decapitation and the Archaeology of Display” by Ahmet Selçukoğlu. Journal of Oriental Studies, 0(45), 461-465.


Çekiç A. Review of “Behead Him Quickly: Medieval Decapitation and the Archaeology of Display” by Ahmet Selçukoğlu. Journal of Oriental Studies. 2024;0(45):461-465.


Çekiç, A. Review of “Behead Him Quickly: Medieval Decapitation and the Archaeology of Display” by Ahmet Selçukoğlu. Journal of Oriental Studies, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 45, p. 461-465, 2024.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Çekiç, Ayşe,. 2024. “Review of “Behead Him Quickly: Medieval Decapitation and the Archaeology of Display” by Ahmet Selçukoğlu.” Journal of Oriental Studies 0, no. 45: 461-465.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Çekiç, Ayşe,. Review of “Behead Him Quickly: Medieval Decapitation and the Archaeology of Display” by Ahmet Selçukoğlu.” Journal of Oriental Studies 0, no. 45 (Mar. 2025): 461-465.

Harvard: Australian Style

Çekiç, A 2024, 'Review of “Behead Him Quickly: Medieval Decapitation and the Archaeology of Display” by Ahmet Selçukoğlu', Journal of Oriental Studies, vol. 0, no. 45, pp. 461-465, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Çekiç, A. (2024) ‘Review of “Behead Him Quickly: Medieval Decapitation and the Archaeology of Display” by Ahmet Selçukoğlu’, Journal of Oriental Studies, 0(45), pp. 461-465. (10 Mar. 2025).


Çekiç, Ayşe,. Review of “Behead Him Quickly: Medieval Decapitation and the Archaeology of Display” by Ahmet Selçukoğlu.” Journal of Oriental Studies, vol. 0, no. 45, 2024, pp. 461-465. [Database Container],


Çekiç A. Review of “Behead Him Quickly: Medieval Decapitation and the Archaeology of Display” by Ahmet Selçukoğlu. Journal of Oriental Studies [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];0(45):461-465. Available from: doi: 10.26650/jos.1460189


Çekiç, Ayşe. Review of “Behead Him Quickly: Medieval Decapitation and the Archaeology of Display” by Ahmet Selçukoğlu”. Journal of Oriental Studies 0/45 (Mar. 2025): 461-465.


Published Online03.10.2024


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