

Abdullah Kızılcık

Oriental studies are based on two regions, East and West. The history, culture, and civilization of the East began to attract of the Westerners from the birth of Islam. This area of interest has generally been to recognize the Islamic civilization and in particular to explore the East. There are different rumors on the history of the Western’s study the East, as well as the different opinions on its purposes about this. In this article, we will talk briefly about the significance of the orientations and then to the history and aims of the orientations.


Abdullah Kızılcık

Şarkiyat çalışmalarının temelinde Doğu ile Batı olmak üzere iki bölge vardır. Doğu’nun tarihi, kültürü ve medeniyeti, İslamiyet’in doğuşundan itibaren Batılıların dikkatini çekmeye başladı. İnceleme alanı genelde İslam medeniyetini tanıma, özelde de Doğu’yu keşfetme olmuştur. Ancak, Batılıların Doğu’yu araştırma tarihi üzerinde farklı rivayetler bulunduğu gibi amaçları üzerinde de farklı görüşler mevcuttur. Bu makalemizde şarkiyatın anlamı üzerine kısaca durduktan sonra şarkiyatın tarihçesinden ve amaçlarından bahsedeceğiz.


Oriental studies are based on two regions, East and West. Interest of the West to the East has generally been to recognize the Islamic civilization and in particular to explore the East. There are different rumours on the history of the Western’s study the East, as well as there are the different opinions on its purposes about this. In this work we will briefly touch on the works on The East that is done from by the west and the basic aims of it in doing these works in addition to the first contact of West to the East. It is certain that the West’s interest with the East is the birth of Islam. As a matter of fact, it is obvious that this religion had come to the agenda of the West after having a settled civilization in Madinah. However, the first official contact between East and West, begins with a letter which taken by one of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad send it to Herakles I. The Dihye gave this letter to Busra’s governor and then he sent the letter to Heraclius. The Heraclius took the letter graciously and welcomed it, but he hesitated at the invitation to Islam. The second contact of the Christian region with the Prophet Muhammad became with an invitation letter to Islam, which was sent to the Arab-western Christian Shurahbil, one of the rulers of neighbouring countries. In those moments, the Havran’s governor Shurahbil entered the dominion of Byzantium and extended the territory of sovereignty to its limits. Resul- Ekrem had sent Haris to there with a letter and invited Shurahbil b. Umeyr and his people to Islam. When Shurahbil killed the envoy of the Prophet Muhammad and replied the contrary to the practices of the envoy, two army came face to face in Mute in Jordan. Apart from these contacts, economic and commercial travel between the East and the West continued. Apart from these contacts, there had been different rumours about when and by whom the first researches were made on Islam. The fact that the spreading of Islam to Spain in the West through the Umayyad and founding the Andalusian Umayyad state in Spain, it disturbed the Christian scholars and clergy priests at the beginning.For this purpose, Yuhanna ed-Damasqî, an Eastern scholar, initiated his first studies as a Christian scholar. As a matter of fact, he has wrote the books with the name of muhasara maa muslim (dialogue with Muslims), İrşadu’n-Nasara fi cedeli’l-müslimin (illuminating Christians in discussion with Muslims). On the other hand, it is alleged that the scholar who initiated his first serious oriental studies as a westerner is the French priest Gerard de Oraliac. As a matter of fact, Gerard de Oraliac he took the lessons from the Muslim peoples during the Umayyad state of Al-Andalus and he became famous in Europe, in Arabic, Mathematics and astronomy. For this reason he was brought to the papacy in Rome. However the West was seen as a positive in the East in terms of learning and cultivation of Muslims’ languages and cultures, but, the use of its colonial tools had been regarded as a negative. Indeed, orientalists have religious, scientific, economic and political reasons to make research on the East. The most important of the religious causes was to raise suspicions about Islam and his prophet Muhammad that the clerics and Christians regarded as the most serious competitor. In fact, the most important political reason is to dominate the East. For this purpose, the differences had been fuelled and the West tried to seize the East with the divide-and-conquer. Among the economic reasons lies the aim of having the wealth of the East. Especially in the East, this means the raw material and the market for Europe. Apart from these negative goals, of course, there have been some scholars who sincerely investigated the tongues and cultures of East and contributed to the impartial examination. However, those who know that they are impartial and the Muslim East is superior to the West and do not conceal their admiration toward the East had always aimed to make the West aware of the East. However, those who approached the Orientalism objectively and admit that the Muslim East was superior to the West and who didn’t conceal their admiration to the East, had always been to make the West aware of the East. Oriental means Eastern or Oriental sciences. The Orientalist is also called the scientist who studies the Orient by studying the language, religion, history, literature, culture and civilization. Initially this concept is used for non-Muslims, but today this distinction is not the case. On the other hand, the notion of orientalism that came to this conception began to be used in Europe in the late 18th century, and in 1838 it entered into the French language academy dictionary. Even if orientalism and orientalist concepts are used in the same meaning in the West, it is a fact that these terms are a negative image in the East.  

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Kızılcık, A. (2018). HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF ORIENTAL STUDIES IN THE WEST AND THIS STUDIES’ GOALS. Journal of Oriental Studies, 0(32), 151-161.




Kızılcık, A. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF ORIENTAL STUDIES IN THE WEST AND THIS STUDIES’ GOALS. Journal of Oriental Studies, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 32, p. 151-161, 2018.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Kızılcık, Abdullah,. 2018. “HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF ORIENTAL STUDIES IN THE WEST AND THIS STUDIES’ GOALS.” Journal of Oriental Studies 0, no. 32: 151-161.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Kızılcık, Abdullah,. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF ORIENTAL STUDIES IN THE WEST AND THIS STUDIES’ GOALS.” Journal of Oriental Studies 0, no. 32 (Mar. 2025): 151-161.

Harvard: Australian Style

Kızılcık, A 2018, 'HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF ORIENTAL STUDIES IN THE WEST AND THIS STUDIES’ GOALS', Journal of Oriental Studies, vol. 0, no. 32, pp. 151-161, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Kızılcık, A. (2018) ‘HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF ORIENTAL STUDIES IN THE WEST AND THIS STUDIES’ GOALS’, Journal of Oriental Studies, 0(32), pp. 151-161. (10 Mar. 2025).


Kızılcık, Abdullah,. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF ORIENTAL STUDIES IN THE WEST AND THIS STUDIES’ GOALS.” Journal of Oriental Studies, vol. 0, no. 32, 2018, pp. 151-161. [Database Container],


Kızılcık A. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF ORIENTAL STUDIES IN THE WEST AND THIS STUDIES’ GOALS. Journal of Oriental Studies [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];0(32):151-161. Available from: doi: null


Kızılcık, Abdullah. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF ORIENTAL STUDIES IN THE WEST AND THIS STUDIES’ GOALS”. Journal of Oriental Studies 0/32 (Mar. 2025): 151-161.


Published Online03.10.2018


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