Research Article

DOI :10.26650/jos.1333170   IUP :10.26650/jos.1333170    Full Text (PDF)

Criterion of Criticism in Classical Arabic Poetry: The Concept of Amūd al-shi'r in Abū Alī al-Marzūqī

Hatice DerebaşıŞükran Fazlıoğlu

The concept of amūd al-shi‘r, denoting the fundamental aspects of poetry within Arabic literary criticism, serves as the cornerstone and foundation representing the classical Arabic poetry method and style in poetic composition. Literary critics have endeavored to establish qualifications, principles, and criteria for the art of poetry under the umbrella of amūd al-shi‘r, seeking to discern between good and subpar poetry, ancient and contemporary works, and facilitating comparisons between poems. This concept has been addressed in diverse manners by Arab critics and literary scholars over time, culminating in its definitive form with the language and literature scholar Abū Alī al-Marzūqī (d. 421/1030) from Isfahan. This study aims to explore the equivalent of the amūd al-shi‘r concept, rooted in classical Arabic poetry, as articulated by Abū Alī al-Marzūqī. It seeks to determine the boundaries and criteria of this concept and ascertain its significance in the domain of literary criticism. To this end, the emergence and evolution of the term will be briefly outlined, focusing on the contributions of critics who paved the way for Marzūqī and laid the groundwork for the theory, which Marzūqī further shaped and systematized. Subsequently, an investigation will be conducted into the extent to which the author expanded upon previous works, the areas in which he concurred or diverged from prior authors, and the influence of his ideas on subsequent literary thought.

DOI :10.26650/jos.1333170   IUP :10.26650/jos.1333170    Full Text (PDF)

Klasik Arap Şiirinde Eleştiri Ölçütü: Ebû Ali el-Merzûkî’de Amûdü’ş-şi‘r Kavramı

Hatice DerebaşıŞükran Fazlıoğlu

Arap edebiyatı eleştiri literatüründe şiirin temel özellikleri anlamına gelen amûdü’ş-şi‘r kavramı, şiir inşadında klasik Arap şiiri usul ve tarzını temsil eden temel unsur ve dayanaklardır. Arap edebiyat eleştirmenleri iyi şiiri iyi olmayandan, kadim olanı yeniden ayırmak ve şiirler arasında mukayese yapmak amacıyla amûdü’ş-şi‘r kavramı altında şiir sanatının vasıf, esas ve kıstaslarını tespit etmeye çalışmıştır. Eleştirmenler ve edebiyat âlimleri tarafından çeşitli zamanlarda farklı şekillerde değinilen amûdü’ş-şi‘r konusu son şeklini İsfahanlı dil ve edebiyat âlimi Ebû Ali el-Merzûkî’de (ö. 421/1030) almıştır. Bu çalışmada klasik Arap şiiri üzerine kurulan amûdü’ş-şi‘r kavramının Ebû Ali el-Merzûkî’deki karşılığı, kavramın sınırları ve ölçütleri üzerinde durularak edebiyat eleştirisi literatüründeki yeri tespit edilecektir. Bu bağlamda öncelikle Merzûkî’nin şekillendirdiği ve sistemleştirdiği bu nazariyenin hazırlayıcısı ve Merzûkî’nin yolunu açan münekkitler üzerinden ıstılahın ortaya çıkışı ve gelişmesinden kısaca bahsedilerek akabinde müellifin elinde hangi boyutlara ulaştığı araştırılacaktır. Daha sonra müellifin kendinden önceki çalışmalara ne kattığı, önceki müelliflerle hangi konularda hemfikir olup hangilerinde ayrı düştüğü, kendinden sonrakileri nasıl etkilediği sorularına cevap verilecektir. 


Marzūqī emerges as a versatile scholar who gained prominence in the realm of language and literature, significantly contributing to Arabic literary works in Isfahan. His notable acclaim in the literary domain came through his commentary on Abū Tammām’s poetic collection, alHamāsah. Within this commentary lies two invaluable components: the introductory section, which presents focal points of literary criticism, holds utmost importance in the annals of critical history, and the literary commentary, which introduces a novel and refreshing perspective to poetic analysis.

In this introductory segment, which garnered considerable attention from scholars and exerted an influential impact on subsequent works, Marzūqī endeavors to elucidate the effective criteria of criticism when evaluating literary compositions. He aims to dispel the notion that “critics make their choices based on personal preferences and desires”, thus seeking to dispense with speculative assumptions prevalent in the realm of literary criticism. Concurrently, Marzūqī addresses the question of how poems are assessed, delineating the features and criteria involved in this evaluative process. His comprehensive examination delves into the concept of amūd al-shi‘r, encompassing various aspects of critical analysis.

Amūd al-shi‘r constitutes the fundamental elements and foundations representing the classical Arabic poetry method and style. These elements should be adhered to both by poets during the construction of their verses and by critics when selecting among poems. The extent to which poets adhere to or deviate from these criteria significantly impacts the quality and superiority of their poetic creations. While the concept of amūd al-shi‘r reached its definitive formulation under Marzūqī’s systematic approach, it is noteworthy that this subject and the interconnected themes had been subjects of prior discussion and contemplation by other scholars before him.

The evolution of Arab poets’ artistic perceptions, influenced by the prevailing era and cultural milieu, led to a departure from traditional Arabic style, giving rise to diverse forms of expression. These poets, referred to as “muwallad” or “muhdath”, deviated from the classical rules that governed Arabic poetry, employing alternative methods in their poetic compositions. Consequently, scholars established various criteria to distinguish these innovative inclinations from the established Arabic poetic tradition. These criteria, encapsulated in the concept of amūd al-shi‘r, played a crucial role in demarcating the novel poetry styles from the ancient artistic practices.

The notion of amūd al-shi‘r embodies the entire artistic heritage inherited from the qasidas of poets during both the Jahiliyya and Islamic periods, eventually taking shape during the Abbasid era. The earliest mention of this concept can be traced back to Abu’l Abbās Tha’lab (d. 291/904) in his book Qawā’id al-shi’r. Ibn Tabātabā (d. 322/934) used alternative phrases to refer to amūd al-shi‘r; nevertheless, he outlined the conditions and methods sought in exceptional poetry in his work ‘Iyār al-shi‘r. Āmidī (d. 371/981) was the first to employ the concept of amūd al-shi‘r as a measure, akin to the sense employed by Marzūqī, although he did not provide a comprehensive explanation of its principles. Subsequently, Qādī al-Jurjānī (ö. 392/1001) elaborated on this concept and elucidated its principles from his perspective. However, it was Marzūqī who systematized the term and its rules in a cohesive manner, establishing a pivotal connection between the concept and its application.

Indeed, Marzūqī’s work was heavily influenced by the contributions of critics who preceded him. His criteria regarding amūd al-shi‘r encompassed the collective insights and summaries of the views of previous critics, most notably Āmidī, Qādī al-Jurjānī, Ibn Tabātabā, and Qudāma (d. 337/948 [?]), as well as those from the fourth century. Although considerable efforts were made prior to Marzūqī in shaping the concept of amūd al-shi‘r, it was Marzūqī who took the lead in establishing definitive rules and methodologies, surpassing all previous critics. Furthermore, no subsequent critic has made any significant additions to the rules set forth by him. Marzūqī’s authority in articulating the foundations of Arabic poetry is widely acknowledged among critics.

Marzūqī employs the term amūd al-shi‘r to distinguish between two methods in poetry composition and to establish criteria for selecting poems based on their superiority. The author compiles these rules by observing features present in the works of exceptional poets, considering them as essential elements in the creation of good poetry. Notably, Marzūqī’s conception of amūd al-shi‘r surpasses the previous critics in its comprehensiveness, as it encompasses criteria for both poetry and the poet. Moreover, the concept of amūd al-shi‘r in Marzūqī embodies the pinnacle of Arab criticism, reaching its apex in the fourth century.

Among the seven critical issues that Marzūqī developed, drawing from his predecessors, he presents criteria by which they can be evaluated. However, Marzūqī’s statements regarding these elements and criteria do not imply that a poet must strictly adhere to them to be considered legitimate. Instead, he emphasizes that by sensibly and prudently incorporating these fundamental features in their poetry, a poet can achieve superiority and prominence in this artistic domain.

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Derebaşı, H., & Fazlıoğlu, Ş. (2023). Criterion of Criticism in Classical Arabic Poetry: The Concept of Amūd al-shi'r in Abū Alī al-Marzūqī. Journal of Oriental Studies, 0(43), 147-172.


Derebaşı H, Fazlıoğlu Ş. Criterion of Criticism in Classical Arabic Poetry: The Concept of Amūd al-shi'r in Abū Alī al-Marzūqī. Journal of Oriental Studies. 2023;0(43):147-172.


Derebaşı, H.; Fazlıoğlu, Ş. Criterion of Criticism in Classical Arabic Poetry: The Concept of Amūd al-shi'r in Abū Alī al-Marzūqī. Journal of Oriental Studies, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 43, p. 147-172, 2023.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Derebaşı, Hatice, and Şükran Fazlıoğlu. 2023. “Criterion of Criticism in Classical Arabic Poetry: The Concept of Amūd al-shi'r in Abū Alī al-Marzūqī.” Journal of Oriental Studies 0, no. 43: 147-172.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Derebaşı, Hatice, and Şükran Fazlıoğlu. Criterion of Criticism in Classical Arabic Poetry: The Concept of Amūd al-shi'r in Abū Alī al-Marzūqī.” Journal of Oriental Studies 0, no. 43 (May. 2024): 147-172.

Harvard: Australian Style

Derebaşı, H & Fazlıoğlu, Ş 2023, 'Criterion of Criticism in Classical Arabic Poetry: The Concept of Amūd al-shi'r in Abū Alī al-Marzūqī', Journal of Oriental Studies, vol. 0, no. 43, pp. 147-172, viewed 2 May. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Derebaşı, H. and Fazlıoğlu, Ş. (2023) ‘Criterion of Criticism in Classical Arabic Poetry: The Concept of Amūd al-shi'r in Abū Alī al-Marzūqī’, Journal of Oriental Studies, 0(43), pp. 147-172. (2 May. 2024).


Derebaşı, Hatice, and Şükran Fazlıoğlu. Criterion of Criticism in Classical Arabic Poetry: The Concept of Amūd al-shi'r in Abū Alī al-Marzūqī.” Journal of Oriental Studies, vol. 0, no. 43, 2023, pp. 147-172. [Database Container],


Derebaşı H, Fazlıoğlu Ş. Criterion of Criticism in Classical Arabic Poetry: The Concept of Amūd al-shi'r in Abū Alī al-Marzūqī. Journal of Oriental Studies [Internet]. 2 May. 2024 [cited 2 May. 2024];0(43):147-172. Available from: doi: 10.26650/jos.1333170


Derebaşı, Hatice - Fazlıoğlu, Şükran. Criterion of Criticism in Classical Arabic Poetry: The Concept of Amūd al-shi'r in Abū Alī al-Marzūqī”. Journal of Oriental Studies 0/43 (May. 2024): 147-172.


Published Online24.10.2023


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