Research Article

DOI :10.26650/jspc.2018.75.0008   IUP :10.26650/jspc.2018.75.0008    Full Text (PDF)

Dual Discrimination of Syrian Refugee Women in the Labour Markets In Europe and Turkey: Identifying the Challenges

Nihan Duran

This paper argues that, refugee women encounter dual discrimination based on both gender and ethnicity, in several aspects of their harmonisation processes, especially in the labour markets in their countries of destination. With this stand point, this paper concentrates on the Syrian refugee crisis which has recently affected both Europe and Turkey; and aims to understand the particular situation of Syrian refugee women, in the corresponding labour markets, in a comparative manner. To do so, this paper first sets to identify the challenges to assessing refugee women’s situation, by addressing the gaps in research and policy making; and consequently, attempts to shed light on the gender-specific challenges, stemming from the so-called dual discrimination that Syrian refugee women face in terms of their access to labour market in their respective countries of destination. 

DOI :10.26650/jspc.2018.75.0008   IUP :10.26650/jspc.2018.75.0008    Full Text (PDF)

Türkiye Ve Avrupa İş Piyasalarında Suriyeli Mülteci Kadınlar: Çifte Ayrımcılık Bağlamında Meydan Okumaları Tanımlamak

Nihan Duran

Bu çalışma, mülteci kadınların, iş piyasaları başta olmak üzere, uyum süreçlerinin çeşitli aşamalarında, cinsiyet ve etnisite temelli çifte ayrımcılıkla karşılaştıkları argümanı ile, yakın zamanda Türkiye ve Avrupa’yı etkileyen Suriye Mülteci krizine odaklanmakta, ve karşılaştırmalı olarak, ilgili iş piyasalarında Suriyeli mülteci kadınının durumunu anlamaya ve incelemeye çalışmaktadır. Bu amaçla, öncelikle, mülteci çalışmalarında ve politika üretiminde, ‘kadın’ temasına dair meydan okumaları tanım tanımlamakta, daha sonra Suriyeli mülteci kadınların, bulundukları ülkelerin iş piyasalarına erişiminde karşılaştıkları, söz konusu çifte ayrımcılıktan kaynaklanan cinsiyet-temelli meydan okumalara ışık tutmayı hedeflemektedir. 

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Duran, N. (2018). Dual Discrimination of Syrian Refugee Women in the Labour Markets In Europe and Turkey: Identifying the Challenges. Journal of Social Policy Conferences, 0(75), 43-67.


Duran N. Dual Discrimination of Syrian Refugee Women in the Labour Markets In Europe and Turkey: Identifying the Challenges. Journal of Social Policy Conferences. 2018;0(75):43-67.


Duran, N. Dual Discrimination of Syrian Refugee Women in the Labour Markets In Europe and Turkey: Identifying the Challenges. Journal of Social Policy Conferences, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 75, p. 43-67, 2018.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Duran, Nihan,. 2018. “Dual Discrimination of Syrian Refugee Women in the Labour Markets In Europe and Turkey: Identifying the Challenges.” Journal of Social Policy Conferences 0, no. 75: 43-67.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Duran, Nihan,. Dual Discrimination of Syrian Refugee Women in the Labour Markets In Europe and Turkey: Identifying the Challenges.” Journal of Social Policy Conferences 0, no. 75 (Mar. 2025): 43-67.

Harvard: Australian Style

Duran, N 2018, 'Dual Discrimination of Syrian Refugee Women in the Labour Markets In Europe and Turkey: Identifying the Challenges', Journal of Social Policy Conferences, vol. 0, no. 75, pp. 43-67, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Duran, N. (2018) ‘Dual Discrimination of Syrian Refugee Women in the Labour Markets In Europe and Turkey: Identifying the Challenges’, Journal of Social Policy Conferences, 0(75), pp. 43-67. (10 Mar. 2025).


Duran, Nihan,. Dual Discrimination of Syrian Refugee Women in the Labour Markets In Europe and Turkey: Identifying the Challenges.” Journal of Social Policy Conferences, vol. 0, no. 75, 2018, pp. 43-67. [Database Container],


Duran N. Dual Discrimination of Syrian Refugee Women in the Labour Markets In Europe and Turkey: Identifying the Challenges. Journal of Social Policy Conferences [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];0(75):43-67. Available from: doi: 10.26650/jspc.2018.75.0008


Duran, Nihan. Dual Discrimination of Syrian Refugee Women in the Labour Markets In Europe and Turkey: Identifying the Challenges”. Journal of Social Policy Conferences 0/75 (Mar. 2025): 43-67.


Published Online28.12.2018


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