Research Article

DOI :10.26650/jspc.2024.86.1413919   IUP :10.26650/jspc.2024.86.1413919    Full Text (PDF)

Volunteering in Turkish Civil Society and the Psychological Contract

Zehra Zeynep Sadıkoğlu

With the incentives for volunteering in civil society in Türkiye since the 2000s, the number of active civil society organizations (CSOs) and the rate of formal volunteering, which refers to volunteering under the umbrella of a CSO, have increased. Thus, CSOvolunteer relations and the management of these relations have become important. In regard to this importance, the study explores the problem areas in CSO-volunteer relations through the concept of the psychological contract and investigates the connection between volunteer expectations and volunteering experiences in Türkiye. The study aims to understand and describe the factors and processes that create obstacles to volunteer work or that make its sustainability difficult in Türkiye. The qualitative findings are based on 22 focus group discussions with 10 groups (i.e., CSO managers, CSO professionals, CSO volunteer coordinators, academicians, public bureaucracy, local governments, international organizations, volunteer initiatives, those with formal volunteer experience, and those without formal volunteer experience), have a high potential to provide information about volunteering, and indicate that problems exist related to developing a sense of belonging to CSOs in the relational dimension of a volunteer’s psychological contract in Türkiye and problems to exist related to the volunteer management processes of CSOs in the transactional dimension. The facts that volunteers are not recognized as stakeholders at either the managerial or organizational level in CSOs and that their contributions are not sufficiently valued result in a violation of the psychological contract in the relational dimension. The lack of a professional approach starting from the first contact with a volunteer and the lack of a framework regarding volunteers’ rights and responsibilities result in a violation in the transactional dimension.

DOI :10.26650/jspc.2024.86.1413919   IUP :10.26650/jspc.2024.86.1413919    Full Text (PDF)

Türkiye’de Sivil Toplumda Gönüllülük ve Psikolojik Sözleşme

Zehra Zeynep Sadıkoğlu

2000’lerden itibaren Türkiye’de sivil toplumda gönüllülüğün teşvikiyle faal dernek sayıları ve bir sivil toplum kuruluşu (STK) çatısı altında gönüllü olmayı ifade eden formel gönüllülük oranları artmış, dolayısıyla STK-gönüllü ilişkileri ve bu ilişkilerin yönetimi önem kazanmıştır. Bu çalışma söz konusu öneme binaen STK-gönüllü ilişkilerindeki sorun alanlarını psikolojik sözleşme kavramı üzerinden incelemekte, Türkiye’de gönüllü beklentileri ile gönüllülük deneyimi arasındaki bağlantıyı araştırmaktadır. Türkiye’de gönüllü çalışmaya engel oluşturan ve/veya onun devamlılığını zora sokan faktör ve süreçleri anlamayı ve betimlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Gönüllülükle ilgili bilgi verme potansiyeli yüksek 10 grupla (STK yöneticileri, STK profesyonelleri, STK gönüllü koordinatörleri, akademisyenler, kamu bürokrasisi, yerel yönetimler, uluslararası kuruluşlar, gönüllülük inisiyatifleri, formel gönüllü deneyimi olanlar, formel gönüllü deneyimi olmayanlar) gerçekleştirilen 22 odak grup tartışmasına dayanan ve nitel bir desene sahip çalışmanın bulguları, Türkiye’de gönüllünün psikolojik sözleşmesinin ilişkisel boyutunda STK’lara aidiyet geliştirme, işlemsel boyutunda ise STK’ların gönüllü yönetim süreçleri ile ilgili sorunlar bulunduğuna işaret etmektedir. STK’ların organizasyonel yapısı içinde gönüllünün bir paydaş olarak tanınmaması ve sunduğu katkıya yeterli değerin verilmemesi psikolojik sözleşmesinin ilişkisel boyutta ihlaline; gönüllü ile ilk irtibatın kurulmasından itibaren profesyonel bir yaklaşımın geliştirilmemesi ve gönüllünün hak ve sorumluluklarının çerçevesinin belirlenmemiş olması ise işlemsel boyutta ihlaline neden oluyor gözükmektedir. 



Since the 1970s, neoliberalization in the West and the goal of promoting democracy and development in the non-Western world have created a context in which civil society and volunteering have been discussed together. New social movements made volunteering more popular by associating it with active citizenship. Volunteering in Türkiye came to fore in the 1990s as part of the contextual transformation of what had been opposed to civil society and citizen participation. However, the search and rescue activities after the 1999 Marmara earthquake constitute a turning point, as it triggered cooperation between different civil society organizations (CSOs) and a structural transformation of civil society in Türkiye. In the 2000s, legal regulations and policy priorities included in development plans gave momentum to volunteer work.

At the narrow end of the spectrum of the definitions of volunteering is formal volunteering, which is defined as activities that do not involve coercion or reward, are undertaken through an organization, and do not involve a relationship between the volunteer and the beneficiary (Cnaan, Handy ve Wadsworth, 1996). Broader definitions of volunteering may include activities based on coercion (e.g., compulsory service in schools, community service by court order), remuneration, and direct involvement with the recipient. Within these broader definitions of volunteering is informal volunteering. It includes unregistered activities usually measured in terms of assistance to foreigners and has been receiving increased attention. In the case of Turkiye, research has indicated formal volunteering to occur at a lower rate than informal volunteering. On the other hand, the number of active associations and the rate of formal volunteering have increased over the years. This indicates that volunteering in civil society, CSO-volunteer relations and the management of these relations have gained importance over time in Türkiye.

The relevant literature draws attention to the concept of the psychological contract to explain the link between individuals’ decisions to become a formal volunteer and their volunteer experiences. This contract has two dimensions: transactional (material conditions and expectations) and relational (social and emotional expectations). Situations where the conditions of this contract are unfulfilled or interrupted can create obstacles to volunteering and make its continuity problematic. In this context, the study benefits from focus group discussions with 10 groups that have high potential to provide information about volunteering in Türkiye with the aim of understanding and describing the factors and processes that prevent the formation of or undermine the psychological contract.


This study is based on a re-analysis of the qualitative research that was the first part of the Türkiye Volunteering Research1 , which aimed at identifying the status and potential of volunteering in Türkiye. The moderation flow designed for the 22 focus group meetings held between May 3-June 14, 2021 included open-ended questions on the main characteristics of volunteering in Türkiye, the reasons for volunteering or not volunteering, and the relationship volunteering has with civil society and government. In order to understand the expectations and problem areas within CSO-volunteer relations, the reasons for continuing volunteering, problems related to volunteering, reasons for not volunteering, and reasons for leaving volunteering in Türkiye have been coded using content analysis. The codes have been analyzed under the themes of relational problems and transactional problems.


Relational problems regarding CSO-volunteer relations in Türkiye are concentrated on the following areas: some CSOs do not open the necessary space for volunteers due to their bureaucratic and hierarchical structure, some CSO employees/professionals do not have volunteering experience or awareness, some CSOs consider volunteers as cheap labor and do not allow volunteers to take initiative, the authorities defined for volunteers remain fixed in the process, and volunteers as a result are unable to develop a sense of belonging to their CSO. The transactional problems regarding the relations between CSOs and volunteers involve the following: some CSOs are late at contacting volunteer candidates who’ve applied to them and fail to establish the necessary contact, most CSOs do not have an active volunteer management system resulting in volunteers’ rights and responsibilities being unclear and following up on volunteers not being done properly, not enough room is provided for volunteers in accordance with their interests and abilities, the necessary and sufficient training to enable volunteers to carry out their activity with competence fails to be provided, volunteer performance fails to be measured and no feedback is provided to them, and volunteers’ expectations regarding work that requires a short time commitment fail to be met. 

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Sadıkoğlu, Z.Z. (2024). Volunteering in Turkish Civil Society and the Psychological Contract. Journal of Social Policy Conferences, 0(86), 72-85.


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Sadıkoğlu, Zehra Zeynep,. 2024. “Volunteering in Turkish Civil Society and the Psychological Contract.” Journal of Social Policy Conferences 0, no. 86: 72-85.

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Sadıkoğlu, Zehra Zeynep,. Volunteering in Turkish Civil Society and the Psychological Contract.” Journal of Social Policy Conferences 0, no. 86 (Mar. 2025): 72-85.

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Sadıkoğlu, Z.Z. (2024) ‘Volunteering in Turkish Civil Society and the Psychological Contract’, Journal of Social Policy Conferences, 0(86), pp. 72-85. (10 Mar. 2025).


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Sadıkoğlu ZZ. Volunteering in Turkish Civil Society and the Psychological Contract. Journal of Social Policy Conferences [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];0(86):72-85. Available from: doi: 10.26650/jspc.2024.86.1413919


Sadıkoğlu, ZehraZeynep. Volunteering in Turkish Civil Society and the Psychological Contract”. Journal of Social Policy Conferences 0/86 (Mar. 2025): 72-85.


Published Online11.07.2024


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