The Relationship Between Sales Success and Soft Success Factors in Travel Agencies
Zennübe Işık, Ahmet ÇavuşThe fact that travel agencies, one of the intermediaries of the distribution channel in the tourism sector, were seen as a business line dating to the nineteenth century. The main aim of the study is to investigate whether there is a relationship between the soft success factors (competence, reliability, empathy, communication, and responsiveness) of the type of travel agency employees and product sales success. Another aim of the study is to determine whether these two factors differ according to demographic variables. For this purpose, frequency, correlation, independent t-test, and one-way variance is used in the analysis of the data. In addition, Structural Equation analysis is used to create a model because of the correlation analysis. It is concluded that there is a positive and significant relationship between the soft success factors of travel agency employees and their product sales success. It is determined that there is no significant difference between the gender of the employees and the soft success factors and product sales success. It has been observed that employees with soft success factors are more effective in sales success. No study has been found that addresses the relationship between soft success factors and sales success in travel agencies, therefore it is thought to be an original paper that will contribute to the literature in this regard.