Research Article

DOI :10.26650/LITERA2023-1299879   IUP :10.26650/LITERA2023-1299879    Full Text (PDF)

1939 İspanyol Göçünde Sürgün ve Kimlik Kavramlarının Alımlanması

Emire Zeynep Önal

1936-1939 yılları arasında hüküm süren İspanya İç Savaşı’nın sonunda İspanya’yı ardında bırakarak sürgüne gitmek zorunda kalan İspanyol aydını on yıllar boyunca yabancı topraklarda var olma savaşımı verir. Cumhuriyetçi İspanya’nın aydınlarının büyük bölümü, sürgündeki İspanyol halkına kapılarını açan ve İspanyol göçündeki en yüksek sayıda sığınmacıyı ülkesine kabul ederek bir anlamda sürgünün başkentine dönüşen Meksika’da bir araya gelir. İspanyol aydınının bakış açısından zorunlu sürgünde varılan yurt bir ara duraktır; bu geçici dönemde İspanyol kültürünü ve kimliğini korumak esastır. İspanyol aydınının politik ve yazınsal etkinliklerini sürdürürken kullandığı dil, yurdunu ve insanını savaşta kaybeden bir halkın acısını ortaya koyar; sürgünde korumaya çalıştığı İspanyol kimliğini, özünü, kültürünü, geleneğini yansıtır. Çocuklar da bu zorunlu sürgüne aileleriyle birlikte giderler ve iki kültür arasında büyürler. Büyüklerinin gözünde ulusal kültürün devamlılığının güvencesi olarak görülürler. İçlerinden bazıları büyüklerinin izinden giderek edebiyatçı olur. Ne var ki büyükleri gibi bakmazlar sürgün ve kimlik kavramlarına. Sürgün onlara büyüklerinden miras kalmış bir kavramdır; kimliklerini de iki kültür arasında yetiştikleri ara bölgede oluştururlar. Bu çalışma, 1939’da halkıyla birlikte sürgüne giden İspanyol aydınının sürgün ve kimlik kavramlarına bakışını, aileleriyle birlikte sürgüne giden ve zaman içinde büyükleri gibi yazın yaşamına atılan kuşağın üyelerinin sürgün ve kimlik kavramlarına bakışını, ve bu kavramların alımlanmasında iki kuşak arasındaki farkı ortaya koymayı amaçlar.  

DOI :10.26650/LITERA2023-1299879   IUP :10.26650/LITERA2023-1299879    Full Text (PDF)

Reception of Exile and Identity in the Spanish Migration of 1939

Emire Zeynep Önal

At the end of the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939), Spanish intellectuals were forced into exile. Leaving Spain behind, they struggled for decades to survive in foreign lands. Most of the intellectuals of Republican Spain went to Mexico which became in a way the capital of exile accepting the highest number of refugees. The new land of obligatory exile would be a temporary stop; what was essential was to protect Spanish culture and identity. The language used by the Spanish intellectuals in their political and literary activities revealed the pain of the lost country and people and reflected Spanish identity, essence, culture, and traditions which they tried to protect in exile. Children also went into exile with their families and grew up between two cultures. They were seen by their families as a guarantee for the continuity of the national culture. In time, some became scholars like their elders. However, they did not see the concepts of exile and identity as their fathers did; exile was a concept they inherited and their identities were shaped in an intermediate zone where they grew up between two cultures. This study aims to reveal the perception of the concepts of exile and identity by Spanish intellectuals in exile and by their children who later stepped into literary life and the difference between these two generations in the perception of both concepts.


The Spanish Civil War began on July 17, 1936, and ended on April 1, 1939. The war ended with the victory of the rebels and the breakdown of the Republican regime. This was the beginning of a long-lasting dictatorial period in Spain that would come to an end in 1975, with the death of Franco. The consequences of the war were severe. Spain was ruined; hundreds of thousands of people died; hundreds of thousands of people went into exile; Spain lost the representatives of the culture of the country who also went into exile with their people. After several months had passed in very painful circumstances in the concentration camps in France, Spanish exiles dispersed all over the world. Most of them went to Mexico, which became, in a sense, the capital of exile. At first, the exiles thought they would return home one day in the not-too-distant future. However, their existence in foreign lands lasted for decades. Most of them died in exile without having the chance to see their homeland before they passed. 

Spanish intellectuals soon gathered, at the beginning of the exile, to fight for their country. They gave lectures to tell the tragedy of Spain; they published literary journals and expressed in their writings their grief, anger, and hopes for saving the country. The political and literary activities continued without interruption. The Republican politicians of Spain were organized to help Spanish refugees on their arrival in Mexico. Spanish people were united in solidarity to keep alive the spirit of the country in exile. Life in a foreign land was, in the eyes of the exiles, an interval and they would soon return home. Meanwhile, they would try hard to keep and continue Spanish identity, culture, and traditions in exile. The language they used in their literary works was the manifestation of a deep sorrow for their lost country and loved ones and also a rebellion against those who took possession of the country with violence. The task was hard—the continuity of the culture and identity in exile. The language of political activities and literary works was shaped in the first decade around this goal.

Children also went into exile with their families. The youngest were two or three years old and the eldest were fifteen or sixteen years old. They went through some difficulties at the beginning of the exile. The families sent them to Spanish schools where they learned the culture of their country from the best teachers from Spain. The common themes spoken of at home were mainly those that revealed the pain of loss; but there was another life in the street, free from sorrow. The children grew up between two cultures and their identities were shaped in an intermediate zone between Spanish life and Mexican life. The families saw the children as a guarantee of continuity; however, they were not the main figures of the exile but they had inherited an obligatory situation. They learned about Spanish culture when they were young and about Mexican culture and other countries’ cultures at university. In time, they became respected engineers, medical doctors, historians, lawyers, anthropologists, and scientists in Mexican life. Some of them preferred to step into the life of literature. In their writings, they freed themselves from the obligations of an imposed language shaped by the pain of exile. Exile was an experience they carried but it did not shape their identities either in their social life or in their literary life. They were born in Spain and grew up in Mexico; the Spanish people did not see them as Spanish because they grew up in Mexico and the Mexican people did not see them as Mexican because they were born in Spain. In a way, they were both Spanish and Mexican but at the same time, they were neither Spanish nor Mexican. The last representatives of the Spanish exile of 1939 were called in Mexico the Hispanic-Mexicans or the Generation Nepantla, which meant a generation in between.

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Önal, E.Z. (2024). 1939 İspanyol Göçünde Sürgün ve Kimlik Kavramlarının Alımlanması. Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, 34(1), 267-283.


Önal E Z. 1939 İspanyol Göçünde Sürgün ve Kimlik Kavramlarının Alımlanması. Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies. 2024;34(1):267-283.


Önal, E.Z. 1939 İspanyol Göçünde Sürgün ve Kimlik Kavramlarının Alımlanması. Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, [Publisher Location], v. 34, n. 1, p. 267-283, 2024.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Önal, Emire Zeynep,. 2024. “1939 İspanyol Göçünde Sürgün ve Kimlik Kavramlarının Alımlanması.” Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies 34, no. 1: 267-283.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Önal, Emire Zeynep,. 1939 İspanyol Göçünde Sürgün ve Kimlik Kavramlarının Alımlanması.” Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies 34, no. 1 (Mar. 2025): 267-283.

Harvard: Australian Style

Önal, EZ 2024, '1939 İspanyol Göçünde Sürgün ve Kimlik Kavramlarının Alımlanması', Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 267-283, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Önal, E.Z. (2024) ‘1939 İspanyol Göçünde Sürgün ve Kimlik Kavramlarının Alımlanması’, Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, 34(1), pp. 267-283. (10 Mar. 2025).


Önal, Emire Zeynep,. 1939 İspanyol Göçünde Sürgün ve Kimlik Kavramlarının Alımlanması.” Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, vol. 34, no. 1, 2024, pp. 267-283. [Database Container],


Önal EZ. 1939 İspanyol Göçünde Sürgün ve Kimlik Kavramlarının Alımlanması. Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];34(1):267-283. Available from: doi: 10.26650/LITERA2023-1299879


Önal, EmireZeynep. 1939 İspanyol Göçünde Sürgün ve Kimlik Kavramlarının Alımlanması”. Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies 34/1 (Mar. 2025): 267-283.


Published Online21.06.2024


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