Research Article

DOI :10.26650/mecmua.2020.78.4.0001   IUP :10.26650/mecmua.2020.78.4.0001    Full Text (PDF)

Bir Kişilik Değeri Olarak Kişinin Resmi

Egemen Işık

Kişinin resmi, tasvir edilen kişinin dış görünüşünü, onun tanınabilmesine imkân verecek şekilde yansıtan bir biçimdir. Başka bir ifadeyle kişinin dış görünüşünün görsel olarak tasvir edilmesiyle elde edilen ve kişinin tanınabilmesini sağlayan biçim, kişinin resmidir. Kişi ve kişilikle olan bağı sebebiyle kişinin resminin hukuki bir güvenceye kavuşturulması gerekmiştir. Bu yüzdendir ki kişinin resmi üzerindeki bir hakkın varlığı, pek çok hukuk sisteminde kabul edilmiştir. Kişilik hakkı kapsamında yer alan kişilik değerlerinden biri olan kişinin resmi üzerindeki bir hakkın varlığının kabulüyle kişinin resmi kavramından ne anlaşılması gerektiği önem kazanır. Zira kişinin resmi üzerindeki hakkın konusu, tasvir edilen kişiye ait dış görünüşünü yansıtan resimdir. Hakkın konusu olduğundan kişinin resmi kavramının sınırları iyi çizilmelidir. Resim kavramına günlük dilde yüklenen anlam ile hukuk dilinde yüklenen anlam birbirinden farklıdır. Kişinin resmi üzerindeki hakkın konusu olan kişinin resminin ne anlama geldiği, hukuki bir kavram olarak kişinin resminin nasıl anlamlandırılacağı, kişinin resminin tanımlanması ve kişinin resminin unsurlarının belirlenmesiyle mümkündür.

DOI :10.26650/mecmua.2020.78.4.0001   IUP :10.26650/mecmua.2020.78.4.0001    Full Text (PDF)

A Person’s Image as a Personality Value

Egemen Işık

A person’s image is a form that reflects his external appearance in a way that allows him to be recognized. Its strong connection to the person and his/her personality necessitates a legal assurance of one’s image. Therefore, legal systems have acknowledged the existence of a right to one’s image. As the existence of such a right is accepted, the definition of the term image becomes essential. The subject of the right to one’s image is the image. Since the image is the subject of the right, the limit of the concept of one’s image should be well drawn. The meaning attached to it in legal language differs from its meaning in daily language. Therefore, in order to clearly understand the term image, as a subject of a right and its connotations as a legal concept, it is important to establish a legal definition and analyze the elements constituting this definition.


One of the personality values enshrined within the scope of personality right is undoubtedly the right to the protection of one’s image. One’s image, or in other words a person’s image, is one of the substantial parts of the personality. Due to its close relation to the notions of person and personality, the existence of the right to the protection of a person’s image has been recognized in various legal systems. In some legal systems, the right protecting a person’s image has even been set out separately from the provisions protecting personality rights.

A person may benefit from legal protection if the right to his/her image is violated. A person’s image has a characteristic that is separate from other personality values. That is, the violation of the right to the person’s image often constitutes a violation of other personality values as well. Moreover it is often that the person’s honour and dignity or private life is violated as a result of the violation of the right on the person’s image. This has led to debate on whether the right to a person’s image is an independent right.

The first condition for a person to benefit from the legal protection afforded to him/her is that the form in question can be described as a “person’s image”. If the form in question cannot be deemed to fall under the scope of the concept of a person’s image, it is not possible for the person to benefit from legal protection. Therefore, it is necessary to draw the framework of the concept of a person’s image and to determine the scope of this concept.

This article first describes the legal nature of the right to the protection of a person’s image. The views from German, Swiss and Turkish law on the right to the protection of a person’s image are outlined. After statements regarding the right to a person’s image, statements regarding the concept of a person’s image were made. In this context, the definitions of a person’s image are included in the doctrine and court decisions; the elements of a person’s image are stated and these elements are explained.

The form obtained by a visual depiction of a person’s external appearance is expressed as a person’s image, if it allows the person to be recognized. In other words, a person’s image is the recognizable form of his appearance in the outside world, produced by various means on a visuable object. The person’s image has three elements: reproduction, the person’s external appearance, and recognizability.

Reproduction is the copying of one’s external appearance. This concept needs to be widely interpreted. The technique used to portray the person and the quality of the execution of the technique of it do not matter. The person’s image can be obtained with tools such as pens, brushes, cameras, video cameras, or with other tools whose main function is not to portray. Although the technique or tool used in obtaining a person’s external appearance is not important, this appearance must be shaped on an object that can be viewed. The object in which the appearance of the person is shaped does not matter as long as it is viewable.

A person’s external appearance is the second element of a person’s image. A form that does not reflect a person’s external appearance is not considered to be the person’s image. The appearance must be the appearance of the person and this must be the external appearance of the person. An ultrasound of a person that does not belong to the person, for example, does not reflect the appearance of the person’s property and the appearance of the person’s exterior, and consequently is not included in the concept of a person’s image. As the person’s external appearance is portrayed as different from the person’s external appearance, it is also included in the concept of the person’s image.

The last element that a person’s image should have is recognizability. The existence of the concept of a person’s image is not accepted if the form in question is not conducive to the recognition of the person, in other words, the identification of the person is not possible from that form. As a rule, it is the person’s facial features that allow the person to be recognized. However, a person’s facial features are not the only indicator of recognition. In addition to other features of the person’s external appearance, some elements that accompany the image can also provide recognition. Icing of the face and putting down an eye strip are among methods that are used to prevent recognition. However, these methods do not always eliminate recognizability of a person. When assessing whether the person is recognisable, it should be examined whether he/she is recognisable in the vicinity of his/her close acquaintance.

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Işık, E. (2020). Bir Kişilik Değeri Olarak Kişinin Resmi. Istanbul Law Review, 78(4), 1723-1746.


Işık E. Bir Kişilik Değeri Olarak Kişinin Resmi. Istanbul Law Review. 2020;78(4):1723-1746.


Işık, E. Bir Kişilik Değeri Olarak Kişinin Resmi. Istanbul Law Review, [Publisher Location], v. 78, n. 4, p. 1723-1746, 2020.

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Işık, Egemen,. 2020. “Bir Kişilik Değeri Olarak Kişinin Resmi.” Istanbul Law Review 78, no. 4: 1723-1746.

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Işık, Egemen,. Bir Kişilik Değeri Olarak Kişinin Resmi.” Istanbul Law Review 78, no. 4 (May. 2024): 1723-1746.

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Işık, E 2020, 'Bir Kişilik Değeri Olarak Kişinin Resmi', Istanbul Law Review, vol. 78, no. 4, pp. 1723-1746, viewed 5 May. 2024,

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Işık, E. (2020) ‘Bir Kişilik Değeri Olarak Kişinin Resmi’, Istanbul Law Review, 78(4), pp. 1723-1746. (5 May. 2024).


Işık, Egemen,. Bir Kişilik Değeri Olarak Kişinin Resmi.” Istanbul Law Review, vol. 78, no. 4, 2020, pp. 1723-1746. [Database Container],


Işık E. Bir Kişilik Değeri Olarak Kişinin Resmi. Istanbul Law Review [Internet]. 5 May. 2024 [cited 5 May. 2024];78(4):1723-1746. Available from: doi: 10.26650/mecmua.2020.78.4.0001


Işık, Egemen. Bir Kişilik Değeri Olarak Kişinin Resmi”. Istanbul Law Review 78/4 (May. 2024): 1723-1746.


Published Online16.02.2021


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