Agent’s Accountability to the Principal
Necati Şükrü BayramoğluAccountability is an obligation in all service contracts. Since the provisions of the mandate contract are applicable to all service contracts that are not regulated in the law, the regulation regarding the accountability of the agent gains importance. Accountability is an obligation that is formed by the combination of many obligations in it. Within this obligation, there are obligations to inform, keep accounting, billing in various scope and degrees for each type of special power of mandate. Fulfillment of the obligation of accountability directly or indirectly affects many rights and obligations arising from power of mandate contract. From the point of the principal, the control of whether the execution of the power of mandate is carried out correctly and properly and the effective use of the right to give instructions are only possible if the accountability obligation is fullfilled correctly. The agent’s ability to demand wages, expenses incurred due to the execution of the power of mandate, the compensation for the the damages s/he has incurred, and the quittance of the debts man has undertaken depends on the fulfillment of the accountability obligation. Accounting is carried out in two diffierent ways in relation to the time it is fulfilled. One of these is the accountability, which is called interim accountability, which is performed at any time when the mandate relationship continues; the other is the accountability, which is called final accountability, which is fulfilled when the mandate relationship ends. Accounting; should be done accurately, in detail and clearly.
Vekili̇n Vekalet Verene Karşı Hesap Verme Yükümlülüğü
Necati Şükrü BayramoğluHesap verme yükümlülüğü, tüm iş görme sözleşmelerinde söz konusu olan bir yükümlülüktür. Vekalet sözleşmesine ilişkin hükümler kanunda düzenlenmeyen tüm iş görme sözleşmeleri için uygulanma imkanına sahip olduğu için vekilin hesap verme yükümlülüğü ile ilgili düzenleme önem kazanmaktadır. Hesap verme yükümlülüğü, içerisindeki birçok yükümlülüğün bir araya gelmesiyle oluşan bir yükümlülüktür. Bu yükümlülüğün içerisinde her özel vekalet türünde farklı kapsam ve derecede olmak üzere bilgilendirme, muhasebe tutma, fatura düzenleme yükümlülükleri bulunmaktadır. Hesap verme yükümlülüğünün yerine getirilmesi vekalet sözleşmesinden doğan birçok hak ve yükümlülüğü doğrudan veya dolaylı olarak etkilemektedir. Vekalet veren açısından vekaletin icrasının doğru, gereği gibi yerine getirilip getirilmediğinin kontrolü ve talimat verme hakkının etkin bir şekilde kullanılabilmesi ancak hesap verme yükümlülüğünün doğru bir şekilde yerine getirilmesiyle mümkün olur. Vekilin de özellikle ücret, vekaletin icrası sebebiyle yapmış olduğu giderleri, uğramış olduğu zararların giderilmesini, üstlenmiş olduğu borçlardan kurtarılmasını isteyebilmesi hesap verme yükümlülüğünün yerine getirilmesine bağlıdır. Hesap verme, yerine getirildiği zamanla ilgili olarak iki farklı şekilde yerine getirilmektedir. Bunlardan birisi ara hesap verme olarak adlandırılan vekalet ilişkisinin devam ettiği herhangi bir zamanda yerine getirilen hesap verme; diğeri son hesap verme olarak adlandırılan vekalet ilişkisi sona erdiğinde yerine getirilen hesap vermedir. Hesap verme; doğru, ayrıntılı ve anlaşılır bir şekilde yapılmalıdır. Vekil, hesap verme yükümlülüğünü gereği gibi yerine getirmiş olsa da vekalet vereni yapmış olduğu iş veya işlemleri onaylamaya, kendisini ibra etmeye zorlayamaz. Hesap verme yükümlülüğü bir yapma borcu olup, hiç veya gereği gibi yerine getirilmediğinde tazminat sorumluluğu gündeme gelebilir.
Accountability takes its source from the obligation to take care of the interests of others, which is one of the important elements of mandate contract. Accountability is a secondary considerations obligation that arises from the law. Although it is a secondary considerations obligation, it has a key role as it directly or indirectly affects many rights and obligations arising from mandate contract. As a matter of fact, from the point of view of the principal, the control of whether the execution of mandate is carried out correctly and properly and the effective use of the right to give instructions are only possible if the accountability obligation is fulfilled correctly. The agent’s ability to demand wages, expenses incurred due to the execution of the power of mandate, the elimination of the damages man has incurred, and the quittance of the debts man has undertaken depends on the fulfillment of the accountability obligation. Accountability exists in both material fact and legal transactions. In cases where the agent acts as both a direct and indirect representative, there is an obligation to be accountable.
The regulation on accountability is imperative. The prior waiver of the principal from the right to hold accountability is null and void. Accountability is an obligation that is formed by the combination of many obligations in it. Within this obligation, there are obligations to inform, keep accounting, billing in various scope and degrees for each type of special power of mandate. A limited information obligation arises regarding accountability. The information here basically consists of givig information about the service or transactions carried out within the scope of the execution of mandate. In this respect, it should be considered seperately from the obligations of clarification and notification, which find their source in the obligation of loyalty and care in article 506 of the Turkish Code of Obligations. Clarification and notification obligations are among the obligations that the agent must fulfill spotaneously, without request. If the execution of mandate involves acquiring or spending various asset values, the agent’s obligation to keep accounting becomes important. Accounting can be demonstrated by keeping a systematic record of the values of assets acquired and spent related to execution of mandate and showing a balance. In addition to providing the information about the Money received and given individually, the balance must be displayed in a detailed, understandable and written manner by linking these information to each other. The obligation to issue an invoice arises in cases where the service or transaction that is the subject of the mandate is done for a fee. The agent declares the service considerations s/he has fulfilled on this invoice, together with the price information.
Accounting should include a detailed report and descriptive information on the key processes of the service or transaction. A general idea should be given about the results of all the processes and activities carried out. Due to the agent’s obligation to keep records and preserve documents, it will not be sufficient for the agent to add the records and documents s/he has kept to the report. While preparing the account report, these records and documents should be used and they should be clearly linked with the data in the account report. If the scope of the accountability obligation is regulated in the contract between the parties, the agent will fulfill the accountability obligation as agreed. If there is no regulation regarding the ful fillment of the accountability obligation in the contract between the parties, the limit of the accountability obligation is determined by taking into account the principles of good faith.
Accounting is carried out in two diffierent ways in relation to the time it is fulfilled. One of these is the accountability, which is called interim accountability, which is performed at any time when the mandate relationship continues; the other is the accountability, which is called final accountability, which is fulfilled when the mandate relationship ends. Except for the cases agreed by the parties or stipulated by a special law provision, there can be no spontaneous interim or final accountability obligation without the request of the agent. Only in certain cases, a limited scope of accountability may arise from some of the other obligations of the agent. Fulfillment of the obligation of accountability directly or indirectly affects many rights and obligations arising from power of mandate contract.
Accountability is not an obligation that arises only after the end of the service or transaction subject of the mandate. This obligation may arise at any stage of the execution of the mandate. As a rule, it must be fulfilled in writing. Accountability is a duty of performance that can be fulfilled by the agent herself/himself or by a third party under her/his responsibility. Due to this nature, if this obligation is not fulfilled, it turns into a compensation obligation as it can not be fulfilled by force.