Research Article

DOI :10.26650/YTA2024-1435308   IUP :10.26650/YTA2024-1435308    Full Text (PDF)

Images of “the Republican Citizen” Designed in the Context of National Identity Construction in Türkiye during the Early Republican Period

Hadiye Yılmaz OdabaşıDeniz Ülke Arıboğan

In the 19th century, as a result of certain economic, political, and social changes, the model of the nation-state came to replace that of the multinational empire. Through this process, “nationality” became the new framework that moved hundreds of millions of people away from their traditional identities, gathered them into new and modern large collectivities and determined whom they resembled and from whom they differed. The process of constructing national identities is psychological, economic, political, and sociological, but it also involves emotional ties. From the early 20th century onwards, modern Turkish identity emerged as a composite of these processes. In the early phases of national identity construction in the Republic of Türkiye (1923-1938), certain foundational elements were shaped that would serve as the backbone of the polity. These elements revolved around particular discourses and images, such as the ideal of “contemporary civilization” [muasır medeniyet], the representation of the “backward” Ottoman past as “the other”, the conception of the exalted founder-leader, narratives of “a triumphant army” and “a triumphant history”, new symbols of “the great nation”, and the image of “the desirable Republican citizen.” “The Republican citizen” was designed by the ideological apparatuses of the state, who also equipped “the citizen” with new values. These values were determined according to how the large group that the citizen belonged to defined itself and how it wished to be defined by others. This article investigates the images of “the desirable Republican citizen” that were tied up with discourses around these new values. It pays particular attention to the social representations of the women, youth and teachers of the Republic, groups who were supposed to play a key role in transmitting these images.

DOI :10.26650/YTA2024-1435308   IUP :10.26650/YTA2024-1435308    Full Text (PDF)

Ulusal Kimlik Bağlamında Tasarımlanan Cumhuriyet Vatandaşı İmajları

Hadiye Yılmaz OdabaşıDeniz Ülke Arıboğan

Yaşanan ekonomik, siyasi ve sosyal değişimlerin neticesi olarak, 19. yüzyılda ulus devlet modeli çok uluslu imparatorlukların yerini almaya başlamıştır. Bu süreçte yüz milyonlarca insanı geleneksel kimliklerinden uzaklaştırarak yeni ve modern büyük grup çadırlarının altında toplayan ve kimlere benzeyip, kimlerden farklılaştığını tespit eden belirleyici yeni parametre “ulusallık” olmuştur. Ulusal kimliklerin inşa süreci sadece ekonomik, siyasi ve sosyolojik değil, aynı zamanda psikolojik ve hissi bağlar içeren bir süreçtir. 20. yüzyılın başından itibaren tasarımlanan modern Türk kimliği de tüm bu süreçlerin bir bileşkesi olarak şekillenmiştir. Buna göre “Türkiye Cumhuriyeti” ulusal kimliğinin erken inşa aşamasında (1923-1938), politik omurgayı belirginleştiren bazı temel unsurlar “muasır medeniyet ülküsü, geri kalmış Osmanlı geçmişi merkezli öteki kurgusu, kurucu-kutlu lider anlayışı, muzaffer ordu ve tarih anlatısı, büyük ulusun yeni sembolleri ve cumhuriyetin makbul vatandaşı” gibi söylem ve imajlar etrafında şekillenmiştir. Bu süreçte cumhuriyetin vatandaşı, içinde bulunduğu büyük grubun kendini nasıl tanımladığı ve başkalarınca nasıl tanımlanmak istediğine uygun olarak, devletin ideolojik aygıtlarınca tasarımlanarak yeni değerlerle donatılmıştır. Makalede bu yeni değerlere dair söylemler doğrultusunda, cumhuriyetin makbul vatandaşının imajları ve bu imajların aktarımında dinamo işlevi gören cumhuriyetin kadını, gençliği ve öğretmenlerine dair sosyal temsillere odaklanılmıştır.

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Yılmaz Odabaşı, H., & Arıboğan, D.Ü. (2024). Images of “the Republican Citizen” Designed in the Context of National Identity Construction in Türkiye during the Early Republican Period. Recent Period Turkish Studies, 0(45), 251-278.


Yılmaz Odabaşı H, Arıboğan D Ü. Images of “the Republican Citizen” Designed in the Context of National Identity Construction in Türkiye during the Early Republican Period. Recent Period Turkish Studies. 2024;0(45):251-278.


Yılmaz Odabaşı, H.; Arıboğan, D.Ü. Images of “the Republican Citizen” Designed in the Context of National Identity Construction in Türkiye during the Early Republican Period. Recent Period Turkish Studies, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 45, p. 251-278, 2024.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Yılmaz Odabaşı, Hadiye, and Deniz Ülke Arıboğan. 2024. “Images of “the Republican Citizen” Designed in the Context of National Identity Construction in Türkiye during the Early Republican Period.” Recent Period Turkish Studies 0, no. 45: 251-278.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Yılmaz Odabaşı, Hadiye, and Deniz Ülke Arıboğan. Images of “the Republican Citizen” Designed in the Context of National Identity Construction in Türkiye during the Early Republican Period.” Recent Period Turkish Studies 0, no. 45 (Mar. 2025): 251-278.

Harvard: Australian Style

Yılmaz Odabaşı, H & Arıboğan, DÜ 2024, 'Images of “the Republican Citizen” Designed in the Context of National Identity Construction in Türkiye during the Early Republican Period', Recent Period Turkish Studies, vol. 0, no. 45, pp. 251-278, viewed 14 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Yılmaz Odabaşı, H. and Arıboğan, D.Ü. (2024) ‘Images of “the Republican Citizen” Designed in the Context of National Identity Construction in Türkiye during the Early Republican Period’, Recent Period Turkish Studies, 0(45), pp. 251-278. (14 Mar. 2025).


Yılmaz Odabaşı, Hadiye, and Deniz Ülke Arıboğan. Images of “the Republican Citizen” Designed in the Context of National Identity Construction in Türkiye during the Early Republican Period.” Recent Period Turkish Studies, vol. 0, no. 45, 2024, pp. 251-278. [Database Container],


Yılmaz Odabaşı H, Arıboğan DÜ. Images of “the Republican Citizen” Designed in the Context of National Identity Construction in Türkiye during the Early Republican Period. Recent Period Turkish Studies [Internet]. 14 Mar. 2025 [cited 14 Mar. 2025];0(45):251-278. Available from: doi: 10.26650/YTA2024-1435308


Yılmaz Odabaşı, Hadiye - Arıboğan, DenizÜlke. Images of “the Republican Citizen” Designed in the Context of National Identity Construction in Türkiye during the Early Republican Period”. Recent Period Turkish Studies 0/45 (Mar. 2025): 251-278.


Published Online05.07.2024


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