Research Article

DOI :10.26650/YTA2024-1555386   IUP :10.26650/YTA2024-1555386    Full Text (PDF)

Russia-Armenia Relations on the Context of Humanitarian Cooperation (1991-2023)

Gunel Musayeva

Although cooperation in the humanitarian field between Russia and Armenia in 1991-2023 has a special place, it is important to investigate it as it has not been comprehensively researched until now. It is known that humanitarian cooperation occupies one of the important places in the foreign policy activity of every state as "soft power". Since the factor of humanitarian cooperation plays an important role in decision-making mechanisms in foreign policy, special importance is given to activities in this field between the countries. The main purpose of writing the article is to research the establishment of the contractual and legal basis of cooperation between Russia and Armenia, its goals, main forms, the dynamics of implementation and development of cooperation in the field of culture, the impact of education and information, diaspora and public organizations, cooperation in the field of science, and to make scientific and theoretical generalizations. Historical-chronological analysis, comparative analysis and critical analysis methods were used during the research.

DOI :10.26650/YTA2024-1555386   IUP :10.26650/YTA2024-1555386    Full Text (PDF)

Rusya-Ermenistan İnsani İş Birliği (1991-2023)

Gunel Musayeva

Rusya ile Ermenistan arasında 1991-2023 yılları arasında insani alanda yapılan iş birliği özel bir yere sahip olsa da bugüne kadar kapsamlı bir şekilde araştırılmadığından araştırılması önem arz etmektedir. İnsani işbirliğinin "yumuşak güç" olarak her devletin dış politika faaliyetinde önemli yerlerinden birini işgal ettiği bilinmektedir. Dış politikada karar alma mekanizmalarında insani iş birliği unsuru önemli rol oynadığından ülkeler arasında bu alandaki etkinliğe özel önem verilmektedir. Makaleyi yazmanın temel amacı Rusya ile Ermenistan arasındaki iş birliğinin akdi ve hukuki temellerini, amaçlarını, ana formlarını, kültür alanında iş birliğinin uygulama ve gelişme dinamiklerini, eğitim ve bilgilendirme, diaspora ve kamu kuruluşlarının iş birliğine etkisini bilim alanında iş birliğini araştırmak, bilimsel ve teorik genellemeler yapmaktır. Araştırma sırasında tarihsel-kronolojik analiz, karşılaştırmalı analiz ve eleştirel analiz yöntemlerinden yararlanılmıştır.

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Musayeva, G. (2024). Russia-Armenia Relations on the Context of Humanitarian Cooperation (1991-2023). Recent Period Turkish Studies, 0(46), 473-501.


Musayeva G. Russia-Armenia Relations on the Context of Humanitarian Cooperation (1991-2023). Recent Period Turkish Studies. 2024;0(46):473-501.


Musayeva, G. Russia-Armenia Relations on the Context of Humanitarian Cooperation (1991-2023). Recent Period Turkish Studies, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 46, p. 473-501, 2024.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Musayeva, Gunel,. 2024. “Russia-Armenia Relations on the Context of Humanitarian Cooperation (1991-2023).” Recent Period Turkish Studies 0, no. 46: 473-501.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Musayeva, Gunel,. Russia-Armenia Relations on the Context of Humanitarian Cooperation (1991-2023).” Recent Period Turkish Studies 0, no. 46 (Mar. 2025): 473-501.

Harvard: Australian Style

Musayeva, G 2024, 'Russia-Armenia Relations on the Context of Humanitarian Cooperation (1991-2023)', Recent Period Turkish Studies, vol. 0, no. 46, pp. 473-501, viewed 14 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Musayeva, G. (2024) ‘Russia-Armenia Relations on the Context of Humanitarian Cooperation (1991-2023)’, Recent Period Turkish Studies, 0(46), pp. 473-501. (14 Mar. 2025).


Musayeva, Gunel,. Russia-Armenia Relations on the Context of Humanitarian Cooperation (1991-2023).” Recent Period Turkish Studies, vol. 0, no. 46, 2024, pp. 473-501. [Database Container],


Musayeva G. Russia-Armenia Relations on the Context of Humanitarian Cooperation (1991-2023). Recent Period Turkish Studies [Internet]. 14 Mar. 2025 [cited 14 Mar. 2025];0(46):473-501. Available from: doi: 10.26650/YTA2024-1555386


Musayeva, Gunel. Russia-Armenia Relations on the Context of Humanitarian Cooperation (1991-2023)”. Recent Period Turkish Studies 0/46 (Mar. 2025): 473-501.


Published Online06.12.2024


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