Research Article

DOI :10.26650/TUDED2019-0012   IUP :10.26650/TUDED2019-0012    Full Text (PDF)

Old Uyghur kat- ‘to understand’ Verb

Hacer Tokyürek

On the back 8th line of U 3202 (T III M 111) the Berlin fragmant of Altun Yaruk Sudurs, which is an Old Uyghur text, appears a hendiadyoin as bilip katıp. And in Altun Yaruk Sudurs R-M, there is a handiadyoin as bilip ukup, which is parallel to the Berlin fragmant. Thus, in Old Uyghur there is the verb kat- meaning ‘to understand’. At first sight, this verb may be seen as a word of single use i.e. a hapax; but one should not be biased about this subject. Because, the dictionaries of the works aren’t generally formed in accordance with the context. Therefore, the meaning of words may be overlooked. In the Zeynelarap Epic, which is among the historical Andelip Epics, the verb kat- was detected as ‘to understand’. And again in Kitabü’l İdrak, which is among important Kipchak Turkish dictionaries, there is the verbs kaygur- ‘to denote’ with its Turkoman entrance, which can be explained as ka-d-gur-. The word appears in different ways in Turkish dialects. In conclusion, the verb kat- is ‘to understand’ in the Uyghur and we can make certain denotational corrections based on this word. The first on of these corrections is tokuz oguz begleri bodunı bu sabımın edgüti ėşid katıgtı tıŋla (KT N 2), whicg appears in the Kül Tėgin. The translation should be as follows: ‘Nine Oghuz chieftains, their people, hear my words well, comprehendingly, listen devotedly.’ The second one is ürüg amıl tikisiz katıgtı sözlesün bo daranıg, in Altun Yaruk Suudur, which should be given meaning as: ‘Calm/ enuiet and silently, shall he speak by understanding this dharani well.’ 

DOI :10.26650/TUDED2019-0012   IUP :10.26650/TUDED2019-0012    Full Text (PDF)

Eski Uygurca Kat-/Kaḍ- ‘Anlamak’ Fiili

Hacer Tokyürek

Eski Uygurca metni Altun Yaruk Sudur’un Berlin parçası olan U 3202 arka (T III M 111) 8. satırında bilip katıp şeklinde bir ikileme geçmektedir. Metnin paraleli olan R-M'de ise bilip ukup ikilemesi yer almaktadır. Bu fiil ilk bakışta tek kullanımlık kelime diğer bir deyişle hapaks olarak düşünülebilir; fakat bu konuda peşin hükümlü olmamak gerekir. Çünkü çalışmaların sözlükleri genellikle bağlama göre oluşturulmamaktadır. Tarihî metinlerden Andelip destanlarından olan Zeynelarap destanında kat- fiili ‘anlamak’ olarak tespit edilebilmiştir. Yine Kıpçak Türkçesi sözlüklerinden önemli bir yere sahip olan Kitabü’l İdrâk’ta Türkmence kaydı ile kaygur- ‘anlatmak’ fiili bulunmaktadır, bu fiil ka-d-gur- şeklinde açıklanabilir. Kelime Türk Lehçelerinde de farklı şekillerde görülür. Sonuç olarak Eski Uygurcada kat- fiili ‘anlamak’ manasındadır, bu kelimeden yola çıkarak belki bazı anlam düzeltmeleri yapılabilir. Bunlardan ilki Kö/ül Tėgin yazıtında yer alan tokuz oguz begleri bodunı bu sabımın edgüti eşid katıgtı tıŋla (KT Güney 2) “Dokuz Oğuz beyleri, milleti bu sözümü iyice işitin, anlayarak, kendinizi vererek dinleyin.” şeklinde olmalıdır. İkincisi ise Altun Yaruk Sudur’da yer alan ürüg amıl tikisiz katıgtı sözlesün bo daranıg ‘sakin/dingin ve sessiz [bir şekilde], bu dharaniyi iyi anlayarak söylesin’ şeklinde anlamlandırılmalıdır.


On the back 8 th line of U 3202 (T III M 111) the Berlin fragmant of Altun Yaruk Sudurs, which is an Old Uyghur Turkish text, appears a hendiadyoin as bilip katıp and in Altun Yaruk Sudur R-M, there is a handiadyoin as bilip ukup, which is parallel to the Berlin fragmant. Thus, in Old Uyghur there is the verb kat- meaning ‘to understand’. At first sight, this verb may be seen as a hapax; but one should not be biased about this subject. Because, the dictionaries of the works aren’t generally formed in accordance with the context. Therefore, the meaning of words may be overlooked. Again, in the X. book of Golden Light Sutra have word of kav- ‘take into account, to consider, consider important’. This word was readen kavin texts of Kaya and Gulcali, while it is kay- in Nadelyayev.The same word is interpreted by Clauson as kay- (2 * kad-), and from the other words derived from this verb root, it is stated that the original form of the word should be the same word. In the same word was meant kay- 1. return, turn, look behind; 2. to pay attention, to care about, to mercy; 3. to bend, tend, accept, think, stay connected let, by Nadelyayev. In our opinion, this word is, as Clauson states, kat- / ka- verb and the meaning is kat- ‘understanding, paying attention’. In the Zeynelarap Epic, which is among the historical Andelip Epics, the verb kat- was detected as ‘to understand’. And again in Kitabü’l İdrak, which is among important Kipchak Turkish dictionaries, there is the verbs kaygur- ‘to denote’ with its Turkmen entrance, which can be explained as ka-d-gur. Also in the Modern Turkish dialects, in Azerbaijani Turkish qanmak ‘to understand’, in Crimean Turkish the verb kan- ‘to be sure, to understans, to accept’, in Karay Turkish kam- ‘to understand, to perceive’, Kazakh Tukish ‘to fully understand the situation, being knew everything’ words are used. And again in Mongolian, there is гадарпаx ‘to feel, to understand, to recognize’ words. In accordance with with these examples, we may reach to the common existence of *ka- or ka- word stem in historical texts. But here the explanation of the kam- verb is difficult. We may show the kal which is used common in Old Uyghur ‘unconscious, crazy’ as ‘the one who has lost the ability to think’. In conclusion, the verb kat- is ‘to understand’ in Uyghur and we can make certain denotational corrections based on this word. The first one of these corrections is tokuz oguz begleri bodunı bu sabımın edgüti ėşid katıgtı tıŋla (KT N 2), which appears in the Kül Tėgin. The translation should be as follows: ‘Nine Oghuz chieftains, their people, hear my words well, comprehendingly, listen devotedly.’ The second one is ürüg amıl tikisiz katıgtı sözlesün bo daranıg, in Altun Yaruk Sudur, which should be given meaning as: ‘Calm/enuiet and silently, shall he speak by understanding this dharani well.’ In Turkish, there is a kat- verb in the meaning of ‘understanding’ and in the historical and modern dialects, kat- ‘understanding’, kad- ‘understanding’, kan- ‘understanding’, kam- ‘understanding’, kaygur- ‘understanding’, Also, especially there is word of kal meaning of ‘unconscious, mad’ in the Old Uyghur Turkish. On the basis of all these, it is possible to reach the *ka- verb, but the explanation of the kam- verb is difficult. However, the word is linked to think and understand. We can think ‘to understand’ of the meaning of the katıgdı used in the period of Kokturk and Uyghur.

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Tokyürek, H. (2019). Old Uyghur kat- ‘to understand’ Verb. Journal of Turkish Language and Literature, 59(1), 193-201.


Tokyürek H. Old Uyghur kat- ‘to understand’ Verb. Journal of Turkish Language and Literature. 2019;59(1):193-201.


Tokyürek, H. Old Uyghur kat- ‘to understand’ Verb. Journal of Turkish Language and Literature, [Publisher Location], v. 59, n. 1, p. 193-201, 2019.

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Tokyürek, Hacer,. 2019. “Old Uyghur kat- ‘to understand’ Verb.” Journal of Turkish Language and Literature 59, no. 1: 193-201.

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Tokyürek, Hacer,. Old Uyghur kat- ‘to understand’ Verb.” Journal of Turkish Language and Literature 59, no. 1 (Mar. 2025): 193-201.

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Tokyürek, H 2019, 'Old Uyghur kat- ‘to understand’ Verb', Journal of Turkish Language and Literature, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 193-201, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

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Tokyürek, H. (2019) ‘Old Uyghur kat- ‘to understand’ Verb’, Journal of Turkish Language and Literature, 59(1), pp. 193-201. (10 Mar. 2025).


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Tokyürek H. Old Uyghur kat- ‘to understand’ Verb. Journal of Turkish Language and Literature [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];59(1):193-201. Available from: doi: 10.26650/TUDED2019-0012


Tokyürek, Hacer. Old Uyghur kat- ‘to understand’ Verb”. Journal of Turkish Language and Literature 59/1 (Mar. 2025): 193-201.


Last Revision10.06.2019
Published Online28.06.2019


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