
DOI :10.26561/iutded.369178   IUP :10.26561/iutded.369178    Full Text (PDF)

The Sogdian Sound-System and the Origins of the Uyghur Script

Feryal KorkmazBerker Keskin

The eighteen letter Old Uyghur alphabet, which was derived from the Sogdian alphabet by the Old Uyghurs, was used for centuries by the Turkish nation and some neighbour nations in Central Asia. Many works are written in this alphabet. In this article, originally published in English in the 269th issue of Journal Asiatique (1981), Nicholas Sims-Williams provided information about the Sogdian alphabet, which is the basis of the Uyghur alphabet, and explained the differences between the Uyghur and Sogdian alphabets. The sounds represented by the letters are clarified in detail and some ideas are put forward as to the way in which the Uyghurs adapted the alphabet.

DOI :10.26561/iutded.369178   IUP :10.26561/iutded.369178    Full Text (PDF)

Soğd Ses Sistemi ve Uygur Alfabesinin Kökeni

Feryal KorkmazBerker Keskin

Eski Uygurlar tarafından Soğd alfabesinden türetilerek oluşturulan on sekiz harfli Eski Uygur alfabesi, yüzyıllar boyunca gerek Türk milleti gerekse Orta Asya’daki bazı komşu kavimler tarafından kullanılmış ve bu alfabe ile pek çok eser kaleme alınmıştır. Nicholas Sims-Williams tarafından yazılan ve Journal Asiatique’in 269. cildinde (1981) yayımlanan bu makalede Uygur alfabesinin temelini teşkil eden Soğd alfabesi hakkında bilgi verilmiş, bu alfabe ile Uygur alfabesi arasında hangi farklılıkların bulunduğu açıklanmıştır. Harflerin temsil ettiği sesler detaylı bir şekilde incelenmiş ve Uygurların alfabeyi hangi şekilde türettiği noktasında bazı fikirler öne sürülmüştür. 

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Korkmaz, F., & Keskin, B. (2017). The Sogdian Sound-System and the Origins of the Uyghur Script. Journal of Turkish Language and Literature, 57(57), 259-269.


Korkmaz F, Keskin B. The Sogdian Sound-System and the Origins of the Uyghur Script. Journal of Turkish Language and Literature. 2017;57(57):259-269.


Korkmaz, F.; Keskin, B. The Sogdian Sound-System and the Origins of the Uyghur Script. Journal of Turkish Language and Literature, [Publisher Location], v. 57, n. 57, p. 259-269, 2017.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Korkmaz, Feryal, and Berker Keskin. 2017. “The Sogdian Sound-System and the Origins of the Uyghur Script.” Journal of Turkish Language and Literature 57, no. 57: 259-269.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Korkmaz, Feryal, and Berker Keskin. The Sogdian Sound-System and the Origins of the Uyghur Script.” Journal of Turkish Language and Literature 57, no. 57 (Mar. 2025): 259-269.

Harvard: Australian Style

Korkmaz, F & Keskin, B 2017, 'The Sogdian Sound-System and the Origins of the Uyghur Script', Journal of Turkish Language and Literature, vol. 57, no. 57, pp. 259-269, viewed 25 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Korkmaz, F. and Keskin, B. (2017) ‘The Sogdian Sound-System and the Origins of the Uyghur Script’, Journal of Turkish Language and Literature, 57(57), pp. 259-269. (25 Mar. 2025).


Korkmaz, Feryal, and Berker Keskin. The Sogdian Sound-System and the Origins of the Uyghur Script.” Journal of Turkish Language and Literature, vol. 57, no. 57, 2017, pp. 259-269. [Database Container],


Korkmaz F, Keskin B. The Sogdian Sound-System and the Origins of the Uyghur Script. Journal of Turkish Language and Literature [Internet]. 25 Mar. 2025 [cited 25 Mar. 2025];57(57):259-269. Available from: doi: 10.26561/iutded.369178


Korkmaz, Feryal - Keskin, Berker. The Sogdian Sound-System and the Origins of the Uyghur Script”. Journal of Turkish Language and Literature 57/57 (Mar. 2025): 259-269.




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