DOI :10.26650/PB/SS10.2019.001.064   IUP :10.26650/PB/SS10.2019.001.064    Tam Metin (PDF)

Financial Analysis of the Political Property of Ni̇zâmül Mülk

Recep Temel

Turks are one of the nations with the longest state experience in history. It is of utmost importance that this experience accumulated in every aspect of the state life is brought to light and brought to the use of present-day statesmen. One of the main sources of this knowledge and experience are the works written by the personalities who took an important role in the state life. One of these works is “Siyasetname” bir which is written by Nizâmül Mülk , who had worked for the Great Seljuk State for many years. This study focuses on determining the financial issues discussed by Nizâmü’l Mülk in his work Siyasetname. In the light of these findings, it is aimed to transfer the historical knowledge and experience to the present day. The importance of the study will be put forward to the extent if these information and findings are generally taken into account in general by the state and in private by finance managers. This work containsinformation constitutionally about many different areas of state life. Within the scope of the scope of the study, firstly, the sections that focus on financial issues were chosen as the research area. These sections are discussed according to the method of screening, detection, analysis, criticism and composition which are commonly used in historical researches. At the end of the study, it was found that sultans should behave those who were under the rule of the sultans with justice in any way, those who were governed should produce the public services they need, to supervise the other officials, especially the vizier, who serve the public, and to manage the treasury and income-expense transactions on a regular basis. The most important result of these findings is the fact that operations in the financial structure and operation sensitivity of the state look alike regarding quantity and operates on an ongoing basis although 10 centuries passed away. 

JEL Sınıflandırması : B10 , H10 , H30


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