DOI :10.26650/PB/SS10.2019.001.065   IUP :10.26650/PB/SS10.2019.001.065    Tam Metin (PDF)

The Current Situation Related to the Public-private Partnership in Turkey

Recep Emre Eriçok

This study aims to be able to reveal the current situation related to the Public-Private Partnership in Turkey. In the study, the current status of the Public-Private Partnership in theory, literature and legislation will be determined and statistical results will be included. Within the scope of the study, the chnage in the Public Finance Approach, the effects of this approach on the Public Enterprise methods and the developments in the Public-Private Partnership will be examined. In Turkey, studies including the legislative development of the Public-Private Partnership and its recent costs and pricing features are carried out to enable the Public Expenditure Administration. As a result of these studies, it is necessary to state the evaluation and the recommendations of the Public-Private Partnership. In the Public-Private Partnership which has been tried to establish the legal infrastructure by making various legal regulations since 1980’s, the increase in the number and the variety of laws and regulations related to the PPP, has caused the complexity of the legislation and the lack of a certain standard in the applications. In addition to this, cost and pricing problems, which are frequently on the agenda, are emerging. For the elimination of the legislation’s complexity and for the need of efficiency, effectiveness and economy approaches in the Public Expenditure Administration, the need to establish a Framework Law related to the PPP as it has been explained in many Public Policy documents. In the study, there is a result that it has been necessary to make adequate and up-to-date legal regulations, in the context of international and Turkey.

JEL Sınıflandırması : H00 , H60


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