DOI :10.26650/B/T8SSc4.2024.041.002   IUP :10.26650/B/T8SSc4.2024.041.002    Tam Metin (PDF)

A Machine Learning-Based Bitcoin Price Forecasting

Nimet Melis Esenyel İçenSinan DemirezenHüseyin İçen

Challenges and limitations in the traditional economic system have paved the way for the idea of decentralization. Blockchain underlies the concept of decentralization, enabling peer-to-peer transactions without the need for intermediary institutions. Although Blockchain, known as a distributed and immutable ledger, was introduced during the Web 1.0 era, it gained significant traction with the advent of Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency. Blockchain serves as the foundation for cryptocurrencies, which are digital assets secured using cryptography. Unlike fiat currencies, cryptocurrencies are not subject to the control of central authorities such as traditional financial institutions or governments. Since cryptocurrencies are utilized as investment tools, their prices and value forecasts hold significant importance for investors. In this chapter, we have proposed two models for forecasting Bitcoin prices, utilizing artificial neural networks and random forest regression. The first model takes into account the prices of cryptocurrencies, excluding stablecoins that are believed to impact Bitcoin prices in existing literature. On the other hand, the second model was developed using Bitcoin price, BTC dominance data, halving period, and Bitcoin hashrate variables. According to the error measurement criteria - MAPE, MAE, and MASE - the second model, forecasted with the RBP algorithm and logistic activation function, and incorporating BTC low, high prices, and dominance data halving variables, offers the best explanation for Bitcoin prices.


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