DOI :10.26650/B/SS05ET50.2024.016.03   IUP :10.26650/B/SS05ET50.2024.016.03    Tam Metin (PDF)

Common Human Resources Issues and New Challenges in Logistics

Burcu Özge Özaslan Çalışkan

In this chapter, the HR challenges in the logistics sector and the way of overcoming these difficulties are discussed. Logistics is what keeps the economy alive worldwide. The economy couldn’t survive if trucking, transport and storage companies cannot get materials from suppliers to manufacturers and finished products from manufacturers to consumers. The success of such an important industry depends on people. In addition to hiring and retaining well-equipped and competent employees, logistics managers should evaluate the performance and determine key performance indicators correctly, manage employee relations, occupational health and safety for the sector, ensure team management in a way that emphasizes the importance of teamwork in terms of logistics processes. Many HR related issues such as training, motivating, time tracking and empowering employees should also be managed successfully in logistics companies. From this perspective, in this study, first of all, the new trends in HR processes in the logistics sector will be evaluated, and the challenges faced in this sector will be evaluated in the context of the mentioned human resources management functions.


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