DOI :10.26650/B/SS05ET50.2024.016.10   IUP :10.26650/B/SS05ET50.2024.016.10    Tam Metin (PDF)

Logistics Service Quality as a Determinant of Customer Loyalty in Online Retailing

Erdem Özkan

This study focuses on logistics services in online retailing, which is becoming increasingly important in consumer life. Various studies have shown that customers’ perceptions of logistics service quality are essential in developing loyalty to retailers. Accordingly, this study aims to identify the effect of logistics service quality (LSQ) on customer loyalty in online retailing and the role of other variables in this structural relationship by proposing a literature-based conceptual model. A systematic literature review method was employed in line with this purpose, and a search strategy was formed. The research articles that identified with the search strategy were included in the research sample. The scale dimensions (order condition, timeliness, availability, order processing quality, order accuracy, information quality, communication quality, and recovery & return) representing logistics service quality were defined as a result of analyzing the content of these articles. In addition, the structure of the relationship between LSQ and customer loyalty and other variables involved in this relationship is determined with a literaturebased conceptual model. Study results show that LSQ, directly and indirectly, affects customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction and trust are identified as essential variables in indirect relationships.


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