DOI :10.26650/B/AA9PS34.2024.006.008   IUP :10.26650/B/AA9PS34.2024.006.008    Tam Metin (PDF)

Industrial Heritage: New Paradigms for New Conservation Challenges

Isabel TıssotMarta Manso

Industrial heritage (IH) is a relatively new field of study compared to other cultural heritage disciplines, such as painting and sculpture. IH objects are material testimonies of technical and industrial practices (e.g., a steam machine from a factory allows us to understand how the energy for the factory running was produced and what were the human and material resources involved). Their safeguarding depends on preserving material evidence of the technical and industrial practices, along with material stabilization. Although the importance of IH heritage is recognized, there is still a gap between conservation guidelines and their practices. The methodologies used are primarily adapted from other disciplines, with their responses conditioned by the unique characteristics of IH objects, such as objects composed of a wide range of materials with distinct dimensions and the possibility of conservation under different operational conditions (e.g., static or running). Recently, this situation has been reversed, and conservation of IH objects based on multidisciplinary approaches has emerged. Although these studies are still inadequate, they approach new science-based techniques to assess the conservation state of IH objects, new conservation techniques, and decision-making models addressing conservation challenges and facilitating the definition of new paradigms for the IH heritage. This chapter describes the main challenges of IH heritage conservation and the research developed in recent years to define the paradigms for this unique heritage preservation.


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