Kids and Sports
Bülent Bayraktar, M. Zeki Gültekin, Engin DinçToday’s lifestyle has become more and more sedentary due to technological developments and economic prosperity. One of the age groups affected by this sedentary lifestyle is children. Movement is very important for a child’s physical development. Participation in physical activities during childhood has many positive effects. Among these positive effects, we can count healthy growth and development, gaining an active lifestyle, and reducing the risk of chronic diseases that may occur in the future. In this context, it affects psychomotor development positively in daily physical activities as well as professionally dealing with a sports branch. We can give children’s games as an example of these physical activities. In the research, the effect of the games on child development has been discussed in terms of developmental psychology, motivation and sociology. In this context, studies have shown us that the child’s regular involvement in activities that include physical activities such as sports or games positively affects psychomotor development parameters such as self-confidence, self-confidence, and motor development.
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