DOI :10.26650/B/SS11.2024.004.06   IUP :10.26650/B/SS11.2024.004.06    Tam Metin (PDF)

Management and Leadership in Children

Hülya Kesici Çalışkan

When we look at the emergence of the leadership phenomenon, we see that an answer is sought to the question of who will assume the role of manager-participant among people who need to live together. Questions such as the emergence of the phenomenon of leadership and what characteristics do leaders possess have been studied by psychologists and sociologists for years. As an even more important distinction, the questions of whether the leadership and management phenomenon is innate in humans or whether it is acquired later have brought the studies to different points. Our experiences and decisions in childhood affect our adulthood very strongly. The questions of when the management and leadership phenomenon occurs in children or whether these leadership characteristics are abilities that can be acquired by children later made it necessary to work in this field. In this study, the development of management and leadership phenomena of children through childhood will be discussed with an analysis of certain periods. Childhood includes the early childhood period (3-6 years) and the second childhood period (7-11 years). During these periods, the development and change in a child will be different, as well as the development of leadership and the management phenomena will show through from early childhood.

Anahtar Kelimeler: ChildLeadershipEarly childhoodManagement


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