DOI :10.26650/B/SS11.2024.004.07   IUP :10.26650/B/SS11.2024.004.07    Tam Metin (PDF)

Social and Emotional Development Education in Children

Seval Ertuğrul

The desire to be accepted, approved, and appreciated by society lies at the center of human existence and is directly related to social and emotional learning. The emotions one has in the moment directly affects what, how and how much one learn in the learning environment. One of the most important things that is fundamental to individuals’ self-fulfillment, inner respect, and desire to learn and love is social and emotional development. All individuals feel the need to live together with other people and to be in harmony with their environment. Although we don’t know it, the behavior of the person in our mix, the thoughts, the way we interact, somehow feed us. The spirit becomes richer, the perspective is expanding.


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