The Nutrition Education of Children
Gülden Gökçay, Mehmet Cihan Balcı, Tuğba KozanoğluNutrition education of children is defined as a combination of educational strategies, accompanied by environmental supports, designed to facilitate voluntary adoption of food choices should begin in the prenatal period and include all phases of childhood to provide healthy nutrition for the child for a lifetime. The prenatal period and infancy, toddlerhood and preschool, school age, and adolescence periods are specific time intervals when different educational strategies should be used. The nutrition of the pregnant mother determines a child’s acceptance and choice of foods. Nutrition education, should encourage mothers to exclusively breastfeed for six months, with responsive feeding as a part of the nutritional education of the mother, and to continue breastfeeding for one year and beyond together with complementary foods, to ensure proper growth for the baby. For toddlers and pre-schoolers, informal nutrition education is suggested, which includes parents as models at home and foods used in daily experiences to establish language development, cognition, and self-help behaviours. Nutrition education is important especially for school children and adolescents because it is not possible to make informed choices without accurate knowledge. To establish proper eating habits, behaviour-focused nutrition education is appropriate. The components of this type of education encompass cognitive learning, in which children learn to select healthy foods; emotional instruction to motivate children and caregivers to change their diet, and behavioural components to create healthy food choices. Research studies indicate that such interventions establishing behavioural changes result in more effective changes than a general nutritional education approach.
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