DOI :10.26650/B/LSB40.2024.035.08   IUP :10.26650/B/LSB40.2024.035.08    Tam Metin (PDF)

Anonymization and Pseudonymization of Personal Health Data within the Scope of Turkish Personal Data Protection Law and General Data Protection Regulation

Duygu Koçak DikerCemile Turgut

Personal health data is any information relating to the physical and mental health of an identified or identifiable natural person and information related to the health services provided to the person. Data protection is important to ensure that the data subject is not discriminated against or stigmatised in society. The fact remains that access to health data is necessary for the continuity of health services and the development of health research. Legal regulations aim to establish a equilibrium between access to data and the patient’s personal rights. Anonymization is one of the avenues for the achievement of this goal. Anonymization is the rendering of personal data which can not be associated with an identified or identifiable natural person under any circumstances, even if they are to be matched with other data. Through this the connection between the data and the person is broken. Anonymization provides secure sharing of data with third parties and associations. At the same time, policies regarding health service provision are developed and scientific studies are facilitated. Anonymization enables data to be shared securely with third parties and institutions. Moreover, policies regarding health service provision are developed and scientific studies are facilitated. Another way, pseudonymization is the processing of data in such a way that the data can not be attributed to a specific data subject without the use of some additional information or techniques. In anonymized data, the identity of the data subjects can not be determined, whereas in pseudonymized data, the identity of the data subjects can be determined by adding some additional information. Pseudonymization ensures confidentiality, especially when storing personal data, and provides access to limited information even to employees to whom the data is open. Today, with the increase in digitalisation, personal health data are also kept in central electronic environment such as E-nabız central physician appointment system (MHRS). Although access to data becomes safer and faster with digitalisation in health, concerns about the security of personal health data persist. Anonymization and pseudonymization processes carried out by non-experts threaten data security. Therefore, there is a need for continuous technological and legal development and standardisation of anonymization and pseudonymization for the security of health data.


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