DOI :10.26650/B/LSB40.2024.035.14   IUP :10.26650/B/LSB40.2024.035.14    Tam Metin (PDF)

Future Digital Health Trends

Erman Gedikli

Digital Health is the integration of digital technologies into traditional healthcare services, with the aim of improving the quality of human capital in the healthcare system. This includes mobile healthcare, electronic health records, medical analytics, telemedicine, and AI systems. While AI can perform many tasks in healthcare as well as, or better than, humans, the large-scale automation of the jobs of healthcare professionals will be prevented for a considerable period due to implementation factors. The objectives of digital health include improving the quality of care and service outcomes, population health improvement, improving the patient experience, improving the experience of physicians and other non-physician providers, and tackling health inequalities. Cloud computing has been a key enabler of the digitisation of healthcare since around 2005, and its integration into patient and healthcare management systems has enabled healthcare information to be stored and shared across multiple internet-connected devices within IT infrastructures. The future possibilities for AI in healthcare include pattern recognition, diagnosis, therapy selection and generation, personalization, administration and operations, and public health. Innovative technologies such as robotics and AI-driven diagnostics can enhance healthcare delivery, improve patient outcomes, and potentially reduce healthcare costs. However, precision medicine, the use of AI algorithms for accurate diagnoses based on comprehensive data sets, brings ethical concerns and some risks regarding the sharing of patient data. Overall, the integration of digital technologies and AI in healthcare has the potential to revolutionize healthcare delivery and enable personalized medicine. The purpose of this study is to convey the journey of digital transformation in healthcare services and reveal its status and future perspective. 


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