Simulation Modeling in Healthcare Services
Arzu BulutThe health system is intricate due to its dynamic nature and critical service requirements. Process optimization for care delivery is becoming more and more important due to rising healthcare expenditures. To support clinical and policy decisions, modeling and simulation have become increasingly important as a means of understanding and predicting pathophysiology, disease development, and disease spread. Simulation is “the imitation of the operation of a real-world process or system over time.” It is a simplified model of a system of interest used to study specific aspects of the system. Simulation is a powerful tool for evaluating and analyzing new system designs, modifications to existing systems, and proposed changes to control systems and operating rules. Simulation has been used for modeling healthcare systems for over forty years. The use of modeling in healthcare is not limited to the management of activities necessary to deliver care alone. It is also used for the study of several topics related to healthcare, for example, air pollution, pharmacokinetics, and food poisoning. In healthcare settings in general, and emergency departments in particular, the use of simulation tools can help improve patient flow and optimize resource utilization, which in turn improves patient treatment processes and satisfaction. The four primary simulation techniques are Agent-Based Simulation, Discrete-Event Simulation (DES), Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS), and System Dynamies (SD). This chapter will give information about the simulation notion and simulation modeling techniques, its uses in health care, and reflections on the healthcare system.
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