DOI :10.26650/B/LSB40.2024.035.07   IUP :10.26650/B/LSB40.2024.035.07    Tam Metin (PDF)

The Role of the Public in the Digitalization of Health

Ersin Kocaman

The developments in information and communication technologies that occurred in the 21st century have had a profound impact on almost all segments of society, regardless of the public or private sector. One of the areas most affected by this situation is the health sector. The health sector, due to its unique characteristics and complex structure, requires different regulations in terms of digitalization compared to other sectors. A clear role for the state and other stakeholders in digitalizing health is needed. In digital transformation in health, the role of the public in the health sector is very decisive. Digitalization applications in public health services increase the accessibility of health services and provide effectiveness and efficiency. The aim of this study is to examine the role of the public in the digitalization of health. In the context of health, digitalization, and public health, the importance of digital transformation in health, the role of the public in the health sector, digitalization applications in public health services, the advantages of digital health services, important steps for the dissemination of digital health services, and the challenges faced by the public in the field of digital health are discussed, respectively. Digitalization is a critical factor in improving the quality and effectiveness of healthcare services, as well as contributing to the faster, safer, and more efficient functioning of the healthcare sector. In the health sector, the public has roles in ensuring service equality, protecting patient rights, and implementing new technologies. In this context, there are digitalization applications in public health services such as e-appointment, e-prescription, and e-health records. Additionally, the public encounters various challenges during the digitalization process in the health sector, including insufficient resources, inadequate technical infrastructure, and security issues. With public support and investments, digitalization in health can be successful with the active support and investments of the public. Dissemination and continuous improvement of digitalization applications in public health services will facilitate society’s access to health services. To achieve this, it is necessary to use resources effectively, create a technologically appropriate infrastructure, and prioritize personnel training.


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