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Use of New Information and Communication Technologies in the Health Sector

Yasemin Hancıoğlu Başköy

Healthcare has traditionally trailed other industries in adopting technology. The healthcare paradigm integrated with digital technologies, which will cover all healthcare services around the world, is in the development phase, and its development has accelerated. This flexible healthcare system eliminates time and location constraints for patients. This paradigm has key features such as continuous health outcome monitoring and remote immediate intervention, integrated care, self-care, and social support. The emergence of new information, communication, and medical technologies is seen as the infrastructure tools of the targeted health system. The healthcare industry is integrating into the global digital revolution. In recent years, the integration of cutting-edge technologies has played a pivotal role in reshaping the landscape of the health sector. These advancements, collectively referred to as digital health or eHealth technologies, have ushered in a new era of efficiency, accessibility, and improved patient outcomes. The significance of these innovations is multifaceted and extends across various aspects of healthcare delivery. One of the primary contributions of new technologies is the implementation of Electronic Health Records. Electronic Health Records have streamlined the management of patient information, enabling healthcare providers to access and share crucial data seamlessly. This has not only enhanced the coordination among healthcare professionals but has also significantly reduced the risk of errors in diagnosis and treatment. Telehealth and telemedicine have emerged as transformative tools, particularly in overcoming geographical barriers. Remote consultations have become increasingly common, allowing patients to connect with healthcare professionals from anywhere, thus improving access to medical expertise. Mobile health applications have empowered individuals to take an active role in managing their health. These apps offer features such as health monitoring, medication reminders, and lifestyle management tools, fostering a more engaged and informed patient population. Health information exchange systems have addressed the challenge of interoperability, facilitating the seamless exchange of health information across different healthcare entities. By reducing redundancy and ensuring the continuity of care, Health Information Exchange has contributed to more efficient and cost-effective healthcare delivery. Artificial intelligence algorithms assist in medical image analysis, pathology interpretation, and drug discovery, enhancing the accuracy and speed of these processes. Blockchain technology has addressed critical concerns related to security and privacy in the health sector. By providing a tamperresistant and decentralized system for storing health records, blockchain ensures the integrity of sensitive information. These technologies have proven particularly valuable in complex surgeries and minimally invasive procedures. The adoption of new technologies in the health sector has not only transformed the way healthcare is delivered but has also paved the way for a more patient-centric, efficient, and interconnected healthcare ecosystem. In this section, the use of new information and communication technologies in the health sector is examined, and the Turkish context is discussed.


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