DOI :10.26650/B/LSB21LSB37.2024.023.003   IUP :10.26650/B/LSB21LSB37.2024.023.003    Tam Metin (PDF)

Changes in Nutrients and Eutrophication in The Sea of Marmara

Hakan Atabayİbrahim TanSabri MutluAlper EvcenGulsima Dilek UsluerFatma Bayram PartalAslı Dönertaş

This study deals with changes in nutrients and eutrophication in the Sea of Marmara. During a relatively long term pollution monitoring study, twelve stations were selected to represent various terrestrial pressure areas. Selected stations were sampled during the research cruises performed with R/V TÜBİTAK Marmara between 2016 and 2022. According to the results of the study, Bandırma (BK1) and Izmit Bay (IZ30) were found to have the highest inorganic phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations. In these two most productive areas, average chlorophyll-a concentrations of 3.35 µg/L and 5.35 µg/L were found, respectively. The Marmara Sea receives high nutrient inputs primarily from point sources located in the northern region, while the southern region contributes with the diffuse sources of these essential nutrients. The eutrophication risk of surface waters increased as a result of the enrichment of nutrients and organic matter in the Marmara Sea via land-based inputs and Black Sea surface water inputs. The Sea of Marmara, particularly in the summer and autumn seasons, displays oxygen-depleted conditions (in the intermediate and lower layers). In addition, natural and anthropogenic nutrient inputs create a favourable environment for phytoplankton development in the Marmara Sea’s coastal waters. The results of the study, that present using the methods of TRIX, nutrient, DO, and Chl-a analyses, indicate that the coastal regions surrounding the Bay, particularly Izmit, Bandırma, and Gemlik, as well as the Susurluk River regions, are susceptible to eutrophication as a result of human-induced effects. Land-based sources have been found to have a large impact on coastal and marine ecosystems and cause widespread ecosystem degradation in many coastal locations. For the long-term management and preservation of the coastal areas, it is crucial to pinpoint the origins of pollution immediately. 


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