DOI :10.26650/B/LSB21LSB37.2024.023.030   IUP :10.26650/B/LSB21LSB37.2024.023.030    Tam Metin (PDF)

Evaluation of Watershed Plans in the Marmara Sea Drainage Area for Addressing Excessive Nutrient Inputs And Proposal of a Computation System To Estimate Nutrient Loads to the Marmara Sea

Melike GürelElif PehlivanoğluAlpaslan EkdalLevent BaşayiğitCenk GürevinGöksin ÖzyıldızEmine ÇokgörGüçlü İnselAli Ertürk

 Eutrophication in the Marmara Sea is an important problem. In order to take measures against eutrophication it is necessary to know the nutrient loads and their sources. Direct discharges to the Marmara Sea can possibly be measured if discharged by large-scale municipal wastewater treatment plants but the diffuse loads reaching the sea as well as the discharges into waterbodies within the basin are not possible to determine. Therefore, the main aim of this study is to develop a computation system to understand the nutrient dynamics as well as to determine the effects of components of both total nitrogen and total phosphorus. Determination of components is of great importance since the relative effect of any component might change the management plans. In addition, nutrient loads reaching the Marmara Sea from its basin passes through a series of inland water ecosystems and reach the outlets to the sea. For this reason, while planning the measures to be taken in the basin, not only the loads reaching the Marmara Sea and neighboring marine environments, but also the aquatic ecosystems represented by the streams and stagnant water bodies in the basin should be examined. Using the developed computation model the importance of point loads  within the load originating from the basin was determined for both total nitrogen and total phosphorus. Nevertheless, according to these preliminary results, it is not possible to neglect the effect of diffuse loads within the total load from its basin to the Marmara Sea. In terms of nitrogen components, while organic nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen are more dominant in the loads reaching the marine environment through sea discharge, nitrate nitrogen is more dominant in aquatic ecosystems. In terms of phosphorus components, phosphate phosphorus is more dominant than organic phosphorus within total phosphorus in both direct and basin-based loads.


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