DOI :10.26650/B/LSB37LSB23.2024.022.13   IUP :10.26650/B/LSB37LSB23.2024.022.13    Tam Metin (PDF)

A Linear System Analysis Approach for Inland Waterbodies and Waterbody Networks Focused of Watershed and Water Quality Management

Ali Ertürk

Watershed and water quality management gets increasing complex because of several reasons listed below:

• Increase of environmental stress factors parallel to increase of world’s population

• Needs for a full-scale management approach which does not only focus on individual waterbodies and their nearby drainage areas but the entire watershed with all its waterbodies.

• The constraints that became harder to manage including but not limited to increase of the number of pollutants due to emerging pollutants, considerably more severe economic conditions, stricter environmental quality approaches

Even though a full-scale watershed/water quality management is encouraged in most of the planning studies, environmental measures are usually taken individually rather than simultaneously but with a hope to be economically as efficient as possible. This common approach necessitates to problems to be addressed; an optimization problem trying to decrease the heavy costs on watershed scale and a prioritization of individual environmental measures to reach or get as close as possible to water quality standards as the goal of watershed/water quality management. This chapter outlines a linear watershed system model for waterbody networks and gives the details of its implementation as a decision support system tool. The linear system model is based on the superposition of different point and diffuse environmental stressors reaching a network of river and stagnant waterbodies. The system is designed to quantify the individual impact of each stressor can anywhere in the waterbody network of a watershed, and can easily be integrated to optimization-based decision support systems as a “goal” or “constraint” function.


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