Cyanobacterial Neurotoxins: Occurrence, Toxicity, Analysis and Implications for Risk Assessment and Health
James Metcalf, Reyhan Akçaalan Albay, Nara Souza, Meriç AlbayCyanobacteria are an ancient and diverse group of photosynthetic prokaryotic microorganisms. They are capable of producing a wide array of bioactive molecules, some with acute and chronic toxic effects. Included in these toxins are compounds that have the capacity to interfere with neurological systems. Such neurotoxins range from alkaloids to organophosphates and amino acids and have been implicated in human and animal poisonings, death and chronic diseases. Many of them act by blocking ion channels, inhibiting enzymes and interrupting protein synthesis, as examples. Exposure to such compounds can occur via a range of media and routes such as water, food and air. Consequently, methods to accurately detect these compounds are required to understand potential toxicity and concentration(s) in a range of environments and matrices. Furthermore, additional toxins produced by cyanobacteria are also increasingly being considered as having neurotoxic potential. Ultimately, an understanding of the occurrence of neurotoxic cyanobacterial toxins is essential to safeguard human and animal health.
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