DOI :10.26650/B/LSB37LSB23.2024.022.01   IUP :10.26650/B/LSB37LSB23.2024.022.01    Tam Metin (PDF)

Importance of Mapping the Bacterial Community Dynamics in Inland Waters

Emine Gözde ÖzbayramZuhal ZenginLatife Köker

The bacterial community has a crucial role in the ecosystem’s well-being, contributing to biogeochemical cycles, including carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus as well as organic matter degradations. The community pattern differs spatially due to various factors such as distinctive environmental conditions, land usage, anthropogenic activities, etc. The use of molecular biology tools is becoming a key approach to evaluating complex bacterial community structures. The advanced metagenomics databases, powerful bioinformatics, and statistical tools enable us to get valuable insights into bacterial metabolic functions. Understanding the complexity of bacterial communities is vitally important to assess the impacts of certain niches on the ecosystem. This chapter focuses on the bacterial communities in freshwater resources and reveal their diversity in these ecosystems. 


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