The Key Element of Evaluation of Inland Waters Quality: Zooplankton
Evangelia Michaloudi, Zeynep Dorak, Georgia StamouThe aim of this chapter is to briefly review the main characteristics (e.g. taxonomy, life history traits) of the main zooplankton members, namely the Phylum Rotifera, the Superorder Cladocera and the Subclass Copepoda, and their importance in inland waters in general as well as in the Mediterranean climate zone. Zooplankton is the first protein source along the food chain (from phytoplankton to fish) in aquatic ecosystems and contributes to the energy flow towards the higher trophic levels (e.g. macroinvertebrates, fishes etc.). It also improves water clarity by grazing down the available phytoplankton biomass and for this reason it is described as a key component of the food web. Zooplankton has high diversity, large density, short life span, drifting nature, and variable tolerance to environmental (biologic, chemical, physical, food availability, prey-predator) conditions. Zooplankton is affected by environmental alterations, and responds by changing its abundance, composition, size and distribution in the habitat, immediately. Therefore, it is an important indicator of ecological conditions. Despite its value zooplankton was excluded as a biological quality element (BGE) in the Water Framework Directive. However, several zooplankton metrics have been identified to successfully follow and characterize water quality. So, water quality indices have been developed including zooplankton as a biological community element combined with other BGEs, mainly phytoplankton. Lately, zooplanktonic indices of water quality have been developed based on optimal/tolerant values or by using multiple metrics to identify multiple pressures. Overall, it has been proven that zooplankton is a biological element that can be effectively used for the assessment and monitoring of freshwater ecosystems tracking eutrophication as well as ecological water quality around the globe, including the Mediterranean region.
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