Urbanisation and The Anthropocene: The Necessary Transition Towards Regenerative and Sustainable Cities
Rubén Camilo Lois González, Luis Alfonso Escudero Gómez, Jesús M. González PérezThe scientific community has identified the beginning of a new geological era, referred to as the Anthropocene, generated by the irrefutable impact of humans on the environment. One of the fundamental processes originating in this era is contemporary urbanisation, which has transformed the planet and brought about serious consequences insofar as the deterioration of the environment. This chapter entails a synthetic and theoretical approach to the relationship between urbanisation and the new era brought about by humans, including the corresponding impact and risks, with proposed future mitigation strategies. A deductive method is applied through the study of recently published bibliographic references and reflections by the authors. The results of this study show that the scale, territorial scope, manner and function of contemporary urbanisation have accelerated the changes in the physical and functional structure of cities. This process has caused serious consequences on the quality of life of the residents therein, land artificialisation, resource consumption, natural environments and climate change. This situation presents us with pressing challenges that need to be urgently addressed regarding the present and future of our cities and, with them, humanity and our planet. Our habitats, infrastructures and transportation systems must preserve the environment, not ruin it. To do so, it has become essential and urgent to design regenerative urban policies applied with good governance. The central conclusion, however, is the need to establish a new paradigm based on cities that are truly intelligent, resilient and sustainable. Cities must make a transition, a regeneration, towards human wellbeing with less impact on this new Anthropocene epoch. For this reason, the present text provides a state of the question raised and possible solutions, a set of problems and answers of particular interest to academics, professionals and citizens in general.
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