Organizational Dimensions of Social Sustainability from a Social Economy Perspective
Zeynep GörmezoğluSince the beginning of the 1990s, the concept of sustainability has been extensively studied in the literature and discussed at different levels of society. Accordingly, it has become an important issue in the modern society of the 21st century. When the definitions of sustainability are examined, it is observed that they are generally handled in three dimensions: economic, social, and environmental. The concept of social sustainability deals with the human aspect of sustainability. Within organizations, social sustainability emphasizes the employee participation, employee cooperation, equal opportunity, employee development, health and safety, and external partnership, which are the organizational dimensions of social sustainability. Social, economic, and environmental crises increase social inequality and endanger social sustainability. Therefore, organizations also suffer from these crises. As a solution to this problem, social economy implications have emerged. Social economy consists of voluntary, non-profit sectors. Non-profit entrepreneurs contribute to sustainability in crisis situations by prioritizing social and environmental value. These initiatives, known as social economy practices, support sustainable economic development. From this point of view, this chapter will provide information about social sustainability, social economy, and the organizational dimensions of social sustainability from a social economy perspective.
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