Sharing Economy Business Models in the Social Economy: Opportunities and Threats
Hakan AydınThe social economy is an economic model that prioritizes social goals which cannot be adequately met within the functioning of the current economy, such as housing, care, equality, sustainability, local development, solidarity, democracy, and employment. Social economy actors employ different business models based on several factors such as the complexity of the problem, inability to achieve the desired coordination and cooperation, the wide coverage of the social economy, and insufficient efficiency. Among these business models, the sharing economy has the potential to contribute to the creation of social value by providing cooperation and coordination through information and communication technologies. This chapter focuses on explaining the relationship between sharing economy business models and the social economy. Accordingly, it first explains the characteristics of the social economy, the concepts of sharing and the sharing economy, the characteristics and basic framework of sharing economy business models, and the relationship between sharing economy business models and social economy. It also evaluates the social, economic, and environmental effects of sharing economy business models on the social economy and reveals the possible opportunities and threats these models pose to the social economy. As sharing economy business models ensure coordination, provide a greater sphere of influence, reduce costs, generate employment, allow to use of idle resources, empower individuals, increase access, enable using of products for a longer period, and are simple and useful, they offer significant opportunities for social economy organizations to achieve their social, economic, and environmental goals. However, the sharing economy could also pose a threat to the social economy due to its unclear legal status, lack of taxation, unfair competition, the rebound effect, and working conditions. In this context, it is necessary to make the necessary legal arrangements, control the quality-of-service providers, ensure the balance of supply and demand, and make use of information and communication technology. In conclusion, sharing economy business models contain significant opportunities such as increasing the efficiency of social economy organizations, leading to a new transformation in the social economy, and contributing to the achievement of social and financial goals. They also include several threats to public health and safety, employee rights, unfair competition, and increased consumption.
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