DOI :10.26650/B/SS05.2023.003.05   IUP :10.26650/B/SS05.2023.003.05    Tam Metin (PDF)

Social Enterprise: A New Form of the New Corporate Social Responsibility

Özgür Atılgan

Although enterprises have been trying to find solutions to social problems with corporate social responsibility projects in recent years, these projects, which are often implemented, have not been sufficient to increase social welfare. In line with these developments, it is observed that attempts to fulfill the social duties ignored by the states and by profit-seeking enterprises evolved into social enterprises. Social enterprises are defined as “private enterprises that seek to realize a social purpose, generate commercial profits (both from the equity of their founders and from public and private enterprises), as well as traditional sources of income. In this context, the main objective of this book section is to describe the gradual transformation from corporate social responsibility to social enterprises. In the first part, the concept of corporate social responsibility is detailed in detail with the different definitions given. Secondly, the dimensions of corporate social responsibility are explained. The third section covers international standards in the field of corporate social responsibility. In the fourth chapter, the evolution of corporate social responsibility towards social enterprises is determined. Finally, the conclusion of the section is given.


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