DOI :10.26650/B/SS05.2023.003.06   IUP :10.26650/B/SS05.2023.003.06    Tam Metin (PDF)

Social Leadership

Dilek Dönmez Polat

It is possible that most people in the world have the proper elements to be social leaders. However, in order to reach this realization, it is necessary for the individual to evaluate several issues and answer some key questions. In this study, which will attempt to enlighten readers in order to make anyone a better social leader, the following issues are discussed: the changing of leadership in the new age, what makes a social leader, the elements of social leadership, and the connection between social economy and social leadership. Social influence results in new beginnings in social leadership. According to this, social leaders strive for social good by taking responsibility, devoting themselves to the social issues of the world, and contributing to the development of society. The entire world should be witness to how these new leadership styles, which severe leadership from its classical understanding and removes a great deficiency in society, will make the world an even more beautiful place.


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